Chapter Twenty Nine: Our First Date

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Slowly and reluctantly, Lauren uncovered her face. She blinked, closed her eyes and opened them, only to blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrated the windows and blinded her, as her eyes didn't quite adjust to the light as yet.

She closed them again, trying to will her mind to plummet back to dreams, but it didn't.

Lying there, the tasks of the day become demanding as she thought about them; meetings, paperwork and more meetings.

She was awake and there was no retreat back into her dreams.

Lauren sat up, threw the duvet off her frame, dragged her feet off the bed lazily and passed her hands on her face. She stole a glance at the black alarm clock, it kept going off, and she reached out to turn off the buzzer. Stretching her arms above her head, she yawned and got off the bed slowly.

It was six days before her 24th birthday and as the day grew nearer and nearer, Lauren couldn't help but dread it. What was the point of celebrating that day anyway? What was there even to celebrate?

Lauren walked into her bathroom, towel in hand; she stripped off her clothing and entered the shower. As the cold water began to hit her skin, she couldn't help but sigh. Her thoughts ran wild...they always did, but the shower is where you stand there and contemplate all of life's decisions.

Lauren hadn't thought about her much.

17, the number of Camila related thoughts she already had and the day hasn't even begun. But it was different as opposed to yesterday, where she had 23. She started counting the day she said she'd try to move on from her. She wanted to see if she was actually moving on, but she wasn't so sure because everything led back to Camila.

Lauren was in love with someone who wasn't even her girlfriend; who wasn't even around. She was in love with someone who she didn't even know if they loved her back. So no. Lauren wasn't moving on. She was simply trying to stop herself from thinking about the woman who broke her heart.

Every time her phone lit up, for these past three years, Lauren hoped, she hoped it would've been Camila, but every single time, she was disappointed. And the hole in her chest grew bigger and the pain just got worse. She was used to it, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

After a few more minutes in the shower, her thoughts went up to 25. More than yesterday. It was getting worse and she hated it. She hated that Camila still had such a strong hold on her and she hated herself for still being in love with her.

Lauren found her way to her walk in closet and threw on black skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt, along with a black jean jacket. Today was one of her 'casual' days at work and she always took advantage of it, because the CEO preferred comfort than anything else. She located a pair of her favourite combat boots and slipped them on as well.

There was a loud rapping against Lauren's teak door. She groaned loudly. Who could be bothering her at this hour? The knocking continued. "I'M COMING!" she yelled. That's when it stopped.

Lauren flung the door open to give whoever was disturbing her at such an ungodly hour, a piece of her mind, but to the woman's surprise; there was no one there.

"What the fuck?" she furrowed her eyebrows and looked left and right, but still, she saw no one. That's when she looked down and saw a plate with two sandwiches placed in it, along with what Lauren assumed to be a letter, sticking out from under the plate; barely visible.

She bent down and picked both the plate and envelope; placing the envelope in her back pocket. The CEO, then went back into her house, shutting the door on her way in. Upon further examination of the sandwich, it was a peanut butter and banana sandwich...Camila's favourite.

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