Chapter Five

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Kensis POV

We sit together on the couch, hugging each other, his hand stroking his hair. I can't believe how perfect this man is. I told him stuff that I had never told anyone before and he didn't freak out like I thought he would, he didn't leave me for some over girl who could give him what he wanted, no. He just hugs me. He's perfect. We hear the clock goes and we hear that we have twenty minuites before our date starts. He slowly pulls away and I immediantly miss the warmth and security that his arms bring me.                "Come on princess, get ready for our date. I'll be back in twenty ok?" He tells me, kissing my forehead before heading out the door,                                                                                                                                       "Love you Deeks," I shout just before he closes the door,                                                                                    "Love you too princess," he replies before closing the door behind him

I rush into my bedroom and try and decide what to wear. I'm not girly so the only time I wear dresses is when I'm undercover. Sadly for me, this means I only own roughly three dresses. I look at them and none of them catch my eyes so I go with a pair of new jeans and a nice blouse Deeks ot me for christmas last year. I hadn't worn it yet but I hoped he recognised it. I match this up with a pair of blue pumps Nell got me a couple of years ago. They went well with the outfit so I slipped them on and went into the bathroom.  My hair stays just the way I know Deeks likes: Down and Curly. Just as I finish my make up the doorbell goes and I go answer it. Its not Deeks like I thought it was, it was,      "Callen, what are you doing here?" I asked, confused. I prayed to God Deeks wouldn't turn up.             "Ah, Sorry Kens. Just thought I'd check up on you. You looked pretty upset at work today,"                       "Oh, I wonder why," I answer sarcastically. I hoped he would leave me alone but he dosn't,      "Look, I have a date and my boyfriend has serious protective issues so can you leave, please?" He looks hurt but due to the stuff he'd put me and Deeks throuh recently, I couldn't care less,                      "Sure Kens, have fun," Then he walks out. Two minuites later Deeks shows up, lookin even hotter than normal. He smiles when he sees me, looking me up and down. I do the same.                             "Wow, Kens. You look amazing!" He tells me, "How come Callen was here?"                                            "Apparently he was checking up on me as I looked upset at work!" I say scornfully,                     "Seriously!" That man never ceases to surprise me "Well, forget about him. Forget about work. Tonight, its just me and you," He tells her lovingly. I smile lovingly at him and he interwines our hands.  "Sounds great. Love you Deeks," I tells hi and he kisses my cheek.                                                         "Love you too. Come on princess,"  He pulls me out of the door and into his car. We drive in silence but I catch him staring at me everynow and again. If it was any other guy I would hate it but this is Deeks we're talking about here. I just think its cute. Then again, he catches me sometimes as well.  "Come on princess, we're here," He runs out of the car and opens the door for me. Normally I would be punching him and annoying him right now but he's obviously put in a lot of effort for this so for tonght, and tonight only, I'm acctually going to be nice to him! I get out of the car and, hand in hand, we walk. I look at my surroundings properly for the first time and realise we're in the middle of nowhere. The only thing I can see is fields in all directions. I wonder what the hell we're doing until Deeks lets go of my hand starts running. I can run faster than him so it dosn't take long for me to catch him up. Infact, I'm so far ahead of him that I look around and I can't see him! I'm almost panicking when I feel two familiar hands on my waist, lifting me up and spinning me round. Deeks. God I love him. He puts me down and after the dizzy feeling has gone I see a well, I see a pile of logs and a forest. How did I miss those?! I look questianly at Deeks and he just smiles,                       "You said that you used to go camping with your dad in the wild with only a knife. I know you miss him and I thought you might like to do something like this," Oh my gosh, this man is amazing! I kiss him full on the lips. He pulls away quicker than I wanted, "Plus, I never did anything like this and I figured it might be fun. Theres a couple of things over there so that we can camp overnight,"                "Oh my gosh Deeks! Your the best!" I yell, he just grins at me madly. I look at my watch, "We have a couple of hours until night so we need to get working. Can you go get about twenty big branches please?" He nods and I walk over to the backpack. Inside is a large waterproof sheet, flint and steel and a couple of things to purify water and set traps. Smiling, I use the pile of logs and the flint and steel to start a fire as I know its going to be getting freezing soon. By the time Deeks is back I've set up five traps and got three bottle of purified water. Deeks dumps the branches next to me and sits down next to them. Hes got loads of strong, sturdy ones that are perfect for building our camp. I'm so immpressed I acctually give him a hug even though hes covered in sweat.                                          "Well done Deeks, I'm immpressed!" I see him smile and know that he considers the job worth it. "Do you want to help me set up the camp?" He nodds enthusiastically and gets up to follow me. It takes a while but eventually we are done. Together, we collect the food from the traps, prepare them, and eat them together next to the fire. By midnight I was wrapped in his arms,                               "Night Princess," Deeks said, "Love You,"

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