Here We Go Again

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Logan settled back into his seat to get comfortable and watched out of the window as the airplane ascended over Palo Alto, his home for the past eighteen months since he had left Connecticut, and her, behind. He'd made several trips back East in that time but none of them had the same meaning as this one. This time he was heading back to Hartford for good, having tied up his business affairs in California once and for all, after he had received the news that his father had been unwell.

Hearing that the great Mitchum Huntzberger had developed a serious heart condition had come as a little bit of shock to all the family, including Mitchum himself. Logan had been stupefied when his father had called him up a few weeks back and asked him to take over the reins at the Huntzberger Publishing Group while he recuperated from the triple bypass operation that he had to undergo suddenly.

There was no denying that Logan had a strained relationship with this father, which had only become more difficult over recent years since he had struck out on his own, but while Logan had once rebelled against the pre-ordained life that had been presented to him since his birth, he had no desire to see his family's business falter. When push came to shove, he knew that whatever had happened between him and his father in the past, blood was most definitely thicker than water and when needed to, he would step up to the plate.

The return to Hartford and back into the fold of the Huntzberger Publishing Group was made a little easier down to the fact that Logan's career had gone from strength to strength in Palo Alto over the past year. This was something that so important to him. He was not returning to his father's company with his tail between his legs but rather, he was returning to as a success. He could have felt sad about the life he was leaving behind in California, the life he had made for himself out there, but the truth was, it was a life he had imagined for him and her and when that dream was never realized, his enthusiasm for it had waned.

Rory Gilmore had broken his heart the day she turned down his proposal. He knew that it had been a bit of a curveball, after all, they'd never really discussed what a future together would look like but he had been so sure they were on the same page. Every day for eighteen months he had regretted walking away from her on that fateful day. He knew that he should never have issued a stupid all-or-nothing ultimatum but his own pride and stubbornness had prevented him from calling her to say sorry, though he had toyed with the idea many times and even come close to dialling her number on occasions. Logan had thought that maybe he would hear from her at some point, but she never called or even emailed and while he had tried to keep up with what she was doing in her career – the last he had heard she was taking off on the Obama campaign trail with Hugo – his many late night Google searches always proved fruitless. Logan had even taken to looking her up on Facebook and while he could see that she was registered, her profile was locked down and he had never been brave enough to actually send her a friend request as he didn't want to risk another rejection, however small.

Logan had tried to move on from Rory. There had been other girls of course, but nothing nearly serious as he had never quite felt ready to make a commitment to anyone else. He'd lost none of the famous Huntzberger charms in this time but none of the women he met in California had the magic mix of quick wit, intelligence and exuberance that his ex-girlfriend possessed. After Rory, he found he couldn't even go back to his old womanising ways – she had changed him for good and he no longer found satisfaction from bedding a different girl every week. He was searching for the committed relationship that he once enjoyed with her, but even after all these months had passed, he still couldn't imagine that life being with anyone else.

There had been an unspoken rule that nobody in his circle mentioned the name, Rory. This wasn't a problem at all for his mother who was certainly happy to pretend she never existed. His father had been disappointed that in the end Logan and Rory's relationship had broken down – they'd got off to a rocky start but he had discovered over time that she had been so good for him. Mitchum had realised that all the positive changes in Logan had come as a result of Rory's influence – whether she had meant them to or not. He'd stopped messing around with the Life and Death Brigade so much studied more and had developed and demonstrated a more mature attitude towards his future career. Naturally, Honor had been disappointed, she'd always had a soft spot for Rory and had come to view her as the sister she never had. She'd hoped that Logan would see sense and chase after Rory but she never pushed it.

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