Hate to See Your Heart Break

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Rory sat on the bench in the park cuddling up to her extra large coffee. It was a bitingly cold day but she had been cooped up inside for the past two days studying and she thought that it would do both her and Lily some good to get out and have a breath of fresh air. It had been exactly a week since she had met with Logan. She had replayed their conversations in her head over and over again. Had she missed the perfect opportunity to tell him?

Lily started to grizzle in the stroller next to her. Rory looked at her watch. "What is it, Lily? Is it your time for a snack too?" she said unclipping her daughter and picking her up out of the stroller. She sat her on her lap and reached into her bag for the milk that she had packed in there earlier. As Lily hungrily devoured her bottle of milk, Rory started rethinking things over again. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice that someone was approaching her.

"What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Rory's head snapped up in panic when she recognised the voice. "Logan! I didn't expect to see you here."

"I can tell! Didn't mean to scare you there Rory!" he smiled.

"Oh! Honor. Wow. It's great to see you" Rory smiled at Logan's sister "I'd get up but..." she gestured at the small person attached to her.

"Ha don't worry, I know all about it" Honor laughed, pointing at the little girl in the stroller that she was pushing. "Look, Rory, I don't mean to be rude but I've really got to rush as I am meant to be meeting Josh and I am already late, but I'd love to catch up with you sometime, we'll do lunch yes?"

"Lunch would be great Honor" Rory smiled.

"Fab, I'll call you. Logan, are you staying?" Honor asked. Logan nodded and said his goodbyes to his sister and niece before turning his attentions back to Rory.

"Lily, we really need to stop meeting like this" Logan said as he reached into tickle her chin and was rewarded for his actions with a dazzling smile from the little girl. "Lorelai roped you in for babysitting duties, one of the perks of having a grown up daughter to help out I guess" Logan laughed.

Here goes nothing, Rory thought as she shook her head. "Logan..." she paused slightly before continuing. "I need to tell you something. This is a little hard to explain. Lily...she's not my sister...she's my daughter."

"She's yours?" Logan sat down next to Rory on the bench, looking confused and ever so slightly shell-shocked. "I thought when I saw Lorelai last week...I mean she never said..."

"No" Rory smiled sadly "She wouldn't have" she shook her head.

"So, she's your daughter, wow," Logan said looking at Rory holding on to Lily, trying to take it all in. He had, of course, noticed the trademark Gilmore blue eyes last week but he had figured that she had got them from Lorelai, but now he could see that they were a perfect match with Rory's own sparkling blue eyes.

"And she's yours too" Rory added quietly as she looked down at the floor.

"What?" Logan said questioningly.

"Lily is your daughter," Rory said as tears started to fall down her face.

"WHAT?!" Logan repeated and jumped up from where he was sitting.

"I'm so sorry Logan, please don't be angry with me" Rory pleaded with him as she carefully clipped Lily back into the stroller.

"Don't be angry with you?! Why didn't you tell me? You had a baby? MY baby, and you never even told me you were pregnant!" Logan said slowly as he started to move away from Rory.

Rory grabbed his arm to stop him "I wanted to tell you about it, but I was hurt and confused and...." She stopped when Logan shook her off.

"That's bullshit, Rory. You know it. That's a bullshit excuse. I can't believe this is happening." Logan said rubbing his head with his hands. "I can't believe that you kept this from me all this time. Were you ever going to tell me?" he asked her.

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