For a Pessimist I am Pretty Optimistic

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A few days had passed since Logan had seen Lorelai at the bar and he'd spent some time digesting the things she had told him. He'd had the chance to calm down a bit and even spent some time talking through things with Honor, which had helped. Honor had been utterly stunned but she urged Logan to talk to Rory and tried to make him understand that there was more at stake than he might realise. Whatever he thought about Rory if he ever wanted to have a relationship with his daughter he was going to have to be the bigger person.

It was the last thing he felt like doing but Logan took a deep breath and picked up the phone to call Rory.


"Hey. I, erm, I'm just calling because I guess we should probably talk." Logan's tone was cold.

"Sure. Just name the time and place and I'll be there" Rory said.

"Okay. If you're free, how about meeting this afternoon, the same coffee shop we met at before in Hartford? I'll be there at 3 pm."

"Okay, that's good for me" Rory said quietly "Erm, Logan..." she trailed off.


"Do you want me to bring Lily with me?" she asked gently.

Logan closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "No.," he said quickly. "I'll see you later" and he ended the call.


Logan was already waiting inside the coffee shop when Rory arrived. It had taken her a few minutes to gather herself enough to actually open the door and walk in. Her insides were in pieces and she felt sure that she would throw up at any moment. Rory inhaled deeply, slapped on a smile and walked up to Logan's table.

"Hey," she said as she stood at the table.

Logan looked up at her with an almost-smile which Rory noticed didn't reach his eyes.

"Can I...." she gestured towards the chair opposite him.

"Be my guest. Here's your coffee" he said pushing the cup towards her.

"Thanks," she said, taking a sip. "I'm really glad you called."

Logan shrugged. "I wasn't going to..."

"So what changed your mind?" Rory said quietly.

"Honor. And your mom".

"My mom?!" Rory looked at him confused.

"She didn't tell you?" Logan said looking at Rory with surprise as she shook her head. "She came to see me."

"Oh, right" Rory looked at Logan wondering if she really wanted to know what had been said between himself and Lorelai. She decided that she was probably better off not knowing. She wasn't impressed that Lorelai had gone behind her back but she knew that her mom meant well. They spent the next several minutes in complete silence until Rory could take no more.

"Logan, we came here to talk so...I want you to give me the chance to explain."

"I'm not interested in hearing your excuses Rory because I honestly don't know what excuse you could possibly have that would make any of this seem okay."

Rory sighed "Then why are we here?"

"I don't know," he said quietly. "I don't really know what you're meant to do in this situation. I can't pretend everything is okay right now because it's not. I'm still really angry about it all." Logan said without looking at Rory. She reached over to touch his hand and he recoiled, pulling it away from her quickly.

Rory looked at Logan sadly. She knew him better than anyone and she could see how much he was hurting right now. She wanted to fix it for him but she also knew that she was the root cause of the problem.

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