Cloud Nine

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As soon as Rory had agreed to move into the house with him, Logan put in an offer which was accepted immediately. The house was vacant, the previous owners had already moved out and so they only had to wait a little while before they were able to take possession of it. A few weeks later they found themselves in an office downtown ready to sign the papers and collect the keys.

"Okay, I just need you to sign on that line there Mr Huntzberger," the clerk said indicating to a space on the document "and then Miss Gilmore you will need to sign next to that."

Rory looked up at the clerk confused and then over at Logan. "What am I signing?"

"This is to formally register the property – you need to sign the document so that both your names are registered as owners" the clerk answered.

"Oh, okay but I am not the owner, Logan is," Rory said.

"Ace...we're going to both own this house" Logan smiled.

"I don't understand," Rory said shaking her head.

"I don't want it to be MY house, I want it to be yours too. If I just own it, you're always going to feel like you're a guest in my house. I don't want that, do you? It's got to feel like your proper home."

Logan had thought long and hard about entering into this with Rory but he knew that the only way it was going to work was if they were equal partners. He hated the idea that she might feel that she couldn't treat the place as her own and so he had decided the best way forward was for them to be joint owners. What might happen in the future didn't really worry him too much – he viewed it as providing for his family, and whether he and Rory were together or not he would always want to do that.

"I's a lot you know? I mean, you can't just buy me a house!" Rory said. She was struggling to comprehend what Logan was doing. It was one thing to ask her to come live with him, another thing altogether to actually give her a share of it.

"I haven't" Logan smiled "I've bought you half a house" he added.

Rory rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, it's no big deal Rory, please don't over think this – I didn't mention it before now as I knew you would do anything to stop me. At the end of the day it's my responsibility to support Lily and by extension of that, you as well." Logan shrugged.

"But I can't afford to contribute anything right now..." Rory grimaced. She felt a bit embarrassed that she had no spare money right but with studying and not having a job things were often tight and her dad had been providing for her up until now.

"I know! I'm not asking you to but if it means that much to you, I'm sure one day you'll be back working and you can contribute then in whatever way you want to. Hell, maybe I'll be a stay-at-home dad for a bit and you can support me and my expensive golfing habit." he winked as he handed Rory the pen.

"You don't play golf," she said dryly, as she took the pen out of his hand and hesitated, hovering over the dotted line. "Are you really sure about this Logan?"



"Where do you want these boxes love?" Finn asked as he walked into the house balancing two heavy boxes full of books.

"Better ask the lady of the house," Logan said as he walked past carrying another box.

"Logan, it's been a long time since I call you love," Finn shouted.

Rory stood by the door with her hand on her hip and brushed her hair out of her face with the other. "Erm, I don't know. Maybe in the main living, the sitting room."

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