Escape Route

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After the first successful meet-up with Lily, Rory and Logan spent a few more afternoons together so Logan and Lily could become a little bit more acquainted with each other.

Logan had been worried that it would be hard for them to find a way to bond but Lily was the most agreeable little girl who took to him like a duck to water and it wasn't surprising that she had stolen his heart away almost immediately. In addition, he also felt like he could be on the way to repairing his fractured relationship with Rory. He didn't think that he would ever fully understand her reasons for doing what she did but he had accepted that in order to move forward with their lives he had to try and let it go, however hard that was for him. There were still times when Logan felt unbelievable pain about the whole situation – not just on missing out on the time that he could have had with Lily but down to the fact that Rory, who he had once loved so deeply, just hadn't felt able to turn to him.

Rory immensely enjoyed seeing Logan and Lily together. She'd had so many concerns about Logan being a part-time father and while it was extremely early days and she didn't want to get her hopes up at all, so far everything was going well and he'd been completely reliable. She could tell by watching him with Lily that Logan loved her already and it made her heart swell. He'd spent a fair amount of time over the past few weeks at the pool house and she was just about adjusting to having him around. It was on one such afternoon that the conversation that Rory had been waiting for, and also dreading, reared its ugly head.

Logan arrived at the pool house and knocked at the door before entering. He greeted Rory with a smile and picked up Lily who was crawling her away over to him and he planted a big kiss on the top of her head. He looked over at Rory nervously.

"Hey Logan, I wasn't expecting you today was I...." Rory trailed off when she looked at his face. "Oh no. I know that look Huntzberger. What is it?"

Logan forgot just how well Rory knew him. She could always tell when he was about to be the bearer of bad news.

"Come on, spit it out." she said, hand on her hip.

"So, I am having dinner with my parents tonight..."

Rory groaned. She knew exactly where the conversation was headed.

"...and I am going to tell them tonight. About Lily."

"Okay..." Rory said slowly.

"I was kind of hoping you would come with me...." Logan said with a little smile.

Rory looked at him aghast. "What?! No way!"

"Please!" Logan begged, "I really want them to meet Lily, I think it will make the whole thing easier."

"Easier for who? You? It won't be easier for me!" Rory groaned.

"Easier all round. They're going to find it difficult to see the bad in any of this once this gorgeous little creature dazzles them." He said bouncing Lily up and down.

Rory pouted. She knew that Logan was right, and she knew that she owed him big time. He'd been more than reasonable about the whole situation over the past few weeks and if she was honest with herself, she knew that this shouldn't even be something they were having to deal with right now so the least she could do was support him.

"Fine." She said. "I'll come. But let it be put on the record, I am not happy about this" she said wagging her finger at Logan.

"Great. I'll come pick you up later" he smiled.

"Well that seems silly Logan, you're living there so it will be a bit weird for you to come here and get me won't it? It's not a date," she said laughing "I'll just meet you there."

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