Part II

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Logan sat at his desk at work and picked up his phone to call Rory.

"So, I was wondering if you had any plans tonight?" he said when she answered.

Rory smiled. It was only yesterday that they had decided to start trying out the dating thing again. Too much had gone down between them to just launch into a relationship so Logan thought to start out with a few casual dates felt like the best way forward.

"The answer to that question is going to depend on who it is calling..." Rory joked. "I have big plans for Chinese food and Noam Chomsky but aside from that...."

"Well, do you think Noam Chomsky will mind stepping aside and waiting until another night because I was kind of hoping that we could go out tonight."

"Out? Out out? Like on a date out?" Rory teased.

"Sure, on a date" Logan reaffirmed.

"Erm, okay, why not."

"Okay. I'll pick you up at 8 pm" Logan said.


"Mom, I am totally freaking about this," Rory said lying on her bed.

"Freaking out about what hun?"

"Well....I saw Logan yesterday and against my better judgement...we're kind of going out on a date tonight." Rory said sheepishly.

Rory still had trouble believing that she and Logan were going to start dating but here she was, getting herself ready for their first official date in what basically amounted to years. She felt super nervous which was ridiculous given that she'd been in already been in a long-term relationship with the guy and they now had a child. Still, that didn't prevent the butterflies that seemed to have taken over her body.

"I don't know why that would be cause for a freak-out you've been on a million dates with Logan, plus you just had sex with the guy like, what, just a few days ago so you already know that part works..."

"Mom!" Rory groaned "This is different! What am I going to wear? Oh my god, what will we talk about!"

"Will you just relax Rory!" Lorelai said "Okay, first clothes, presuming you'll need some – wear that blue dress, the one with the off the shoulder thing going on"

"The fitted one?" Rory asked as she pulled it out of the wardrobe.

"Yep, that's the baby."

Rory held up against herself and looked at her reflection in the mirror. "You don't think that maybe it's a bit too 'come and get it'?" she asked her mother.

"Seeing as he's already been and got it I don't see what that matters." Lorelai joked.

"Wow, mom. I am never telling you anything ever again."


"You look amazing," Logan said as he greeted Rory with a smile.

"Oh, this old thing? It was only about the 100th dress I tried on." She rolled her eyes.

Logan smiled "Nervous?"

"A little" She admitted with a shy smile.

"Me too," Logan said "Shall we go?" he asked taking her by the hand.

They got in Logan's car and he drove them to Carbone's, an Italian restaurant in Hartford, remembering how much Rory had loved the cuisine when they were dating. After a slightly stilted start, the conversation, with a little help from the Dom Perignon, began to flow more freely as they relaxed into the evening.

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