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"Rory, for the hundredth time, I think I've got everything"

"Okay. Sorry, Logan" She looked at him sympathetically "I know you are capable, it's just I've never really left Lily with anyone other than mom before, I'm a bit anxious about it."

"Well don't be, how hard can it be? I mean you've managed to keep her alive for this long..." he joked and Rory playfully slapped his arm. "Besides, I've got Honor nearby and your mom on speed dial. I think we've got it covered haven't we Lily?"

Rory looked at Logan holding Lily in his arms. She didn't really know what she was stressing about. He'd become so comfortable with her recently. This was a big step for them, apart from her anxieties about leaving her daughter behind she was glad that Logan was getting this chance. Rory felt really quite good about the progress that was being made in the whole co-parenting thing.

"Right. Good. I know. Okay, I am leaving." She said firmly. "Bye Lily," she said kissing her daughter "Be good for daddy. Bye Logan, just...be good" she said warningly.

"Bye mommy," Logan said waving Lily's arm up and down "Hey Ace?" he shouted as Rory walked away. Rory turned around to look at him. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do...."


Logan closed the door of the pool house and placed Lily in her playpen while he went to make a coffee for himself. He'd put a brave face on it for the sake of his relationship with Rory but he wasn't at all thrilled about her heading off for a weekend away a date. The last thing he really wanted to be doing was encouraging a relationship with Carter but Rory had been quite clear in telling him it wasn't any of his business. While he was happy this gave him the opportunity to devote some time to his daughter, he was also nervous about the amount of time they would spending alone together – they'd never spent more than a few hours before. Sipping on his coffee he decided to invite Honor over for lunch so he picked up his cell phone and gave her call. A little while later Honor arrived with Fifi in her arms.

"Well look at you little brother, playing house" she laughed when Logan opened the door.

"Hi Honor, hey Fifi" Logan smiled at the little girl in his sister's arms.

"Where is that adorable niece of mine?" Honor asked.

"She's right over there on the rug, I'm sure she'd love Fifi to play with".

Honor walked over to the rug and placed Fifi down next to the beautiful blonde haired girl who was looking at up with her wide blue eyes. "Hey Lily, I'm your Auntie Honor, do you remember me?" Lily rewarded Honor with a shy smile.

Logan sat on the sofa next to the rug and Honor joined him.

"So how's it going so far?"

"Well, Rory has only been gone a few house...so far I think I am crushing it" Logan said with a smirk.

Honor rolled her eyes "I meant with the whole parenting thing, not just today"

"Oh...yeah, it's going okay I think. Lily seems to like me so that's something"

"And what about Rory?" Honor asked carefully.

Logan turned to his sister with a puzzled look. "What about Rory?"

"You both seemed a little awkward when we bumped into her last week, are you getting on okay?"

"Yeah, well it was a bit weird seeing her on a date, just took me by surprise is all," Logan said.

"And she's with him this weekend. You're okay with that?" Honor raised her eyebrow.

Logan shrugged "It's none of my business what Rory does with her spare time, we're not together. She can date who she likes."

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