Everything Changes

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The next few weeks passed by in an absolute complete blur of wedding arrangements. There was still so much to finalize and there were endless meetings with florists and caterers. Although they were both really looking forward to their forthcoming nuptials, Rory and Logan were also starting to look forward to when it would all be over and they could get back to normality. Now they found themselves just a couple of days away from the wedding and Rory had another full day ahead of her.

Rory walked down into the kitchen where Logan was sitting reading a newspaper. He looked up at her and handed her a coffee. She stood next to him at the counter and took a small sip before absentmindedly staring out of the window for a few moments.

"Earth to Rory!" a loud voice snapped her right out of her daydream.

"Oh sorry, did you say something?" she said as she put her cup down on the counter.

"You were away with the fairies then Ace" Logan smiled "Everything okay?"

"Oh yes," she smiled back "Fine, just a really busy day ahead."

"The bridal shower?" Logan questioned offering Rory a muffin. She shook her head.

"Yeah, well that and I have to head to New York this morning to have a final dress fitting. I could really do without that this morning but at least I finally get it bring it back home, and Honor is coming with me, we're going to stop and have lunch".

"Well, that'll be nice. What time are you going to be back later?" Logan said as he took a bite out of his muffin.

"Not sure" Rory shrugged. "You know mom, she could hold me hostage for hours. Don't keep Lily up to see me though, she's got a long few days ahead of her. What are you planning to do today?"

"Oh, Lily and I have a very full day ahead of us. Mainly, we're going to be playing in the swimming pool"

"Ugh, do you want to swap?" Rory pretended to beg.


Rory and Honor headed into New York for the dress fitting. Luckily it fit like a glove and there were no further alterations needed so all Rory had to do was pay the balance and take the dress away. After they had got the dress packed away safely in Honor's SUV, they went for lunch. Honor took Rory to a new restaurant, Riverpark, which with its expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, had impressive views over New York City and the East River.

"So Rory, only a few days to go, how are you feeling about the wedding?" Honor asked.

"Fine. Well, kind of fine. Excited, nervous, scared...but I know it's absolutely the right thing for us. Your brother is a pretty special guy." Rory smiled.

"He really is." Honor agreed. "And I am so glad you found each other again, I know he thinks the world of you and Lily of course."

The waiter came over to take their order and offered them the wine list. Honor took it off him nervously. "I'm okay, but Rory, do you..." she started with sighing heavily. "Oh dear god, it's no good, I just can't lie to you, I'm pregnant." Honor said.

"Wow, Honor! Congratulations!" Rory said with a big smile. "That's amazing news!"

"Thanks" Honor smiled sweetly. "Nobody knows yet so don't tell anyone, but I figured you'd wonder why I wasn't having a glass of wine with lunch. Oh but please don't let me stop you!"

"No, it's fine, I'll have some water please," Rory said to the waiter. "So...pregnant!"

"Yes, it was a bit of a surprise, well not really that much of a surprise because we'd been trying but even so, I didn't think it would happen so soon, you know?" Honor rambled. "Do you think you and Logan will have any more children?" Honor said.

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