Still Into You

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"Where is that birthday girl?" Logan shouted as he came through the doors of the pool house.

They had been planning this first birthday party for the past few weeks and now the day was finally here.

"Logan! What have you bought! Did you actually leave anything in the shop? Oh man, my baby is going to be completely spoilt." Rory stood open-mouthed at the mound of presents Logan had brought into the pool house. "You realise I have to live here too and have zero space! Where do you think I am going to put all this?"

"Don't worry, we'll sort it out. Anyhow, I think I am allowed to spoil my daughter on her birthday, don't you? You're only one once, right Lily?" he said leaning in to kiss his daughter who was looking like the proper star of the party in her baby blue party gown. The colour worked with her eyes perfectly.

"You look nice," Logan said looking Rory up and down. She was wearing a deep blue satin cocktail dress that stopped mid-thigh. It was shorter than she normally wore but suited her perfectly. "In fact, that's one show-stopping dress, bit unfair to try and steal Lily's thunder though Ace"

"Well, you know, I thought I'd make an effort seeing as everyone will be no doubt be staring at us all day." She rolled her eyes. She knew full well that every tiny move would be dissected today. If she even so much as talked to Logan the rumor mill would be in full flow so Rory had decided that if everyone would be looking at her, she had better make sure she looked nice. Though, if she was being honest, she had another agenda too and she'd wanted to make an extra effort for Logan so she was very happy that he had noticed.


"Grandma I don't know how you managed to pull this all off when you weren't even in the country, but thank you," Rory said to her grandma.

The party was in full swing and was so far a great success. Lily was on top form and she had so far avoided any awkward conversations.

"Ah the overbearing skills of Emily Gilmore, they can span oceans." Lorelai joked and Emily scowled at her daughter.

"I hope you're not too jetlagged and you can enjoy the party?" Rory asked with concern. "I know I should have timed it better with your return but I really wanted to do the party on her actual birthday and..."

"Rory, honestly, we're fine. Where is my great-granddaughter anyway?" asked Richard, scanning the room.

"She's somewhere around here with Logan," Rory said nervously.

"Logan Huntzberger?" Emily asked with an incredulous look.

"The one and only." Lorelai chirped in and smiled at Rory.

"He's back on the scene? Well, I never. Are you two...?" Emily raised an eyebrow.

"No we're not grandma, and please don't get any ideas!" Rory begged.

Emily really had done a fantastic job with the party, even though she had coordinated everything from Europe. She'd used her regular caterers for the food and brought in an events company to organise the theming that Rory had chosen – a whimsical woodland party, with a sophisticated color palette of gold, mint green, and blush pink. Sookie had made the most stunning cake. It was a two-tiered double chocolate fudge cake covered in white chocolate ganache, decorated beautifully to fit in the with the woodland theme.

"I think it's time for the birthday girl to blow out the candle," Rory said lighting the big number one candle that Sookie had carefully positioned in the middle of the cake. "Logan" she called "Can you bring Lily over?"

Logan walked over to where Rory was stood with the cake and handed over Lily to her. Everyone started up singing happy birthday and when they were finished Lorelai shouted "make a wish Lily" as Logan and Rory leaned in to help their little girl blow out her first birthday candle.

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