Let The Flames Begin

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"I can't understand why you are making me go to this stupid party anyhow," Lorelai groaned fiddling with the hem of her dress. "I must have been very bad in a past life!"

"Mom! You know the DAR is important to Grandma and she asked us to come along as I helped her with some of the prep. The least we can do is make a brief appearance."

"It had better be brief" Lorelai warned "A formal dance? Really? No wonder Luke seized the chance to stay in with Lily tonight. I still can't believe that a daughter of mine actually joined the DAR. I expected more from you".

Rory rolled her eyes "C'mon mom, I promise this will be as swift and pain-free as possible."

"Hopefully like my death when I am forced to drown myself in the punch."


"A DAR party? Really mom? You know it's not really my scene..." Logan groaned as her mother laid out their plans for the evening. Mitchum wasn't really well enough to be going out to parties and Shira was insisting Logan accompany her.

"Oh Logan, don't be silly, just come for a little while. Everyone will be so pleased to see you and hear that you are moving back to Hartford" Shira said straightening her son's tie. "You never know, there might be some nice young ladies there," she said with a smile.

Logan groaned. The last thing he needed or wanted was to be set up on a date with another airhead hand-picked by his mother. "I'll come, but I'm serious mom, no trying to set me up with any of your friend's daughters, I am not interested!"

"Okay, okay, I promise" Shira smiled sweetly at her son. "Now come on, the car is outside waiting".


Lorelai and Rory stood outside the party. "You owe me for this remember!"

As they walked into the party, Emily greeted them and thrust a martini into their hands.

"Rory I have someone that you must meet!" Emily said gleefully, grabbing her granddaughter by the hand.

"Oh hi mom," Lorelai said sarcastically "Why hello Lorelai, don't you look beautiful tonight," she said faking her mother's voice "Gee thanks, mom, so kind of you to notice..."

Emily scowled at her daughter and rolled her eyes. Ignoring her she leaned to whisper into her granddaughter's ear "His name is Carter Hamilton, he is a Harvard law graduate and he's the son of one of your grandfather's clients. They are a very nice family Rory. He's very nice indeed, I think you'll like him."

"Grandma..." Rory started to protest.

"Oh, Rory! Just meet him!" Emily pleaded.

Rory signalled to her mom for help.

"Don't look at me kid, you got yourself into your own sorry mess" Lorelai chuckled as she walked in the opposite direction.


"So what did you do after graduating from Yale, Lorelai"

Emily had succeeded at flinging Rory together with Carter and had made her excuses and left them to chat at a table near the edge of the dance floor. Rory was silently cursing her grandmother and her matchmaking obsessions.

"Rory," she said pointedly.

"Sorry?" Carter said.

"Rory. Nobody calls me Lorelai. Ever." She said taking a sip of her martini. Rory immediately felt bad for being so standoffish with Carter. It wasn't his fault, he was actually a really nice guy and she knew she wasn't being particularly pleasant to him but these forced situations always got her back up.

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