Love Exists

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The next morning Rory woke up and in her sleepy haze, she briefly wondered where she was. She soon realised that she was in Logan's room and it was his arm that was lazily draped across her. He was still fast asleep so Rory carefully lifted his arm and slipped out of bed. She'd had pretty much the best night's sleep that she'd managed in a really long time. There was something so comforting and familiar about sleeping in the same bed as Logan but seeing as they were still just being ultra casual in the dating stages, she now felt a little uneasy about it and worried whether it was perhaps blurring the lines a little too much.

She didn't want to wake him, so she quietly left the room and went to get Lily out of bed. She took her downstairs for a quick breakfast before getting them both dressed and heading out into the morning sunshine for a walk. She didn't really know where she was going; she just knew that she needed to clear her head a little before she saw Logan, mainly because she was scared that her kneejerk reaction would be to push him away.

As Rory walked with Lily, at a very slow toddler pace, she thought about everything that had happened recently. It had been less than six months that Logan had wandered back into her life and in some ways, it felt like he'd never been away. If someone had told her six months ago that she'd be living with Logan and they'd be playing happy families she would have thought they were crazy but here she was doing exactly that and as much as she was scared to admit to herself, she loved it. Even though it had only been a week, she already hated the thought that one day that might change. All that really remained was to decide once and for all what sort of relationship they were going to have moving forward.

When she got back from her brief walk Logan was sitting at the kitchen counter drinking his morning coffee. He looked up when she walked into the room and smiled at her.

"Morning Ace, where have you been?" he asked.

"Oh, Lily and I just thought we'd get some fresh air. It's a lovely morning" Rory said pouring herself some coffee. "Top-up?" she asked Logan waving the jug at him.

He shook his head. "Is everything okay Ace?" he asked carefully. Logan still knew Rory well enough to know that she was probably having some sort of internal battle about having slept in the same bed the night before.

"Everything's fine" Rory smiled breezily.

"Did you sleep better?" Logan said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Oh yeah, I slept really well, thanks. Amazing how much brighter you feel after a good nights sleep" she said sitting down next to him at the counter.

"So...any plans for today? I thought I'd work on getting those bookcases set up in the study."

"You mean you're going to pay someone to come around and work on getting the bookcases up, right?" Rory eyed Logan suspiciously.

"No, I'm going to do it" he laughed.

"Oh wow. I do have plans actually but now I wish I could stay here just to witness you go into battle with the flatpack and a screwdriver" Rory joked.

"Aww Ace, that's mean. I'll have you know I did it all myself in Palo Alto. I'm a pro" Logan said pretending to be hurt. "What's your big plans anyhow?"

"I'm meeting up with Steph for lunch today." Rory smiled.

"Really? Wow, I have not seen Steph in...ages" Logan said as he tried to remember just how long it had been.

"Yeah, me neither, not since before graduation, but well she's in town and we recently connected on Facebook, so we thought we'd have a quick lunch and catch up on each other's lives."

"That will be nice" Logan nodded "You want me to look after Lily while you go? I'm just going to be hanging around here all day."

"No it's fine" Rory smiled "I'll take her along, I think Steph is really keen to meet her and see who she takes after, but I think we both know the answer to that one!"

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