Misery Business

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The next day Rory awoke on the sofa in Lorelai's living room where she had fallen asleep late the night before. She had managed to drift off in the early hours and exhausted, she slept right through to lunchtime. She woke a little disorientated and immediately looked at her cell phone, just in case Logan had called her, but she was disappointed to find that he hadn't.

Lorelai looked at her sadly "He'll call when he's ready Ror".

"What if he doesn't?" Rory chewed her cheek.

"Well, if he doesn't, then what have you really lost? You hadn't seen him in eighteen months, you didn't want to tell him about Lily and you were already doing this on your own anyway." Lorelai said matter-of-factly.

Rory remained silent. She knew that her mom was speaking the harsh truth but seeing Logan had changed things for her. He knew about Lily now. She had no expectations of any kind of relationship for the pair of them but she had hoped that he would at least want to get to know his child now he knew the truth.


Logan sat in a booth at their old favourite haunt from their Yale days, Rich Man's Shoe in New Haven. He'd needed to talk things through with his friends and while Colin was still in California at Stanford, Finn happened to be in the area visiting family and had suggested it as an easy meeting place for 'old times sake'.

Finn entered the bar and scanned around for Logan. "Mate!" he shouted across the room when he saw Logan sitting at a table, nursing an empty glass. Logan hadn't told Finn why he needed to speak to him but he had guessed from the tone of his voice that it was something pretty serious. Logan looked up as Finn took a seat at the table.

"Mate, you look like shit, no offence," Finn said holding up his hands.

"I feel like shit," Logan said. "No offence taken."

"So, what's going on Logan, my man. You look like your cat just ate your budgie."

"I saw Rory last week" Logan looked down at his empty glass, and swirled the remaining ice around in the bottom of it.

Finn sat back in the booth and placed his hands behind his head. He might have guessed that Logan's dishevelled appearance had something to do with Rory, it normally did. He was surprised to even hear him mention her name.

"Okay...and it didn't go well?"

"Oh, no it went very well. We got on fine, really well in fact. We danced together at a party, met for coffee and reminisced a little while and then I bumped into her at the park yesterday which is where she introduced me to my daughter." He said slamming the glass down on the table.

"Excuse me? You are what now?!" Finn said with his mouth gaping wide.

"I have a daughter. With Rory." Logan said laughing. He didn't know why he was laughing about it but it had sounded so strange when he said it out loud for the first time.

"I think I need a drink mate!" Finn said as he beckoned the waitress over.

Once Finn had a drink in his hand and Logan's glass had been refilled, Finn signalled for Logan to continue.

"I don't know what to say, buddy. I mean, how, why, when..."

"All very valid questions my friend and ones I have no answers to," Logan said as he knocked back his scotch.

"But when did you see Rory? I mean, in order to knock her up...again, no offence..." Finn said as he took a swig of his drink.

"By my calculations, she would have been pregnant at her graduation, though she may not have known then, I don't really know."

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