You Belong With Me

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Logan reached over and turned the bedside light on.

"What's going on? What are you talking about? What time is it Ace?" Logan said as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes.

"I don't know what time it is" Rory shook her head. "I just realised tonight that this – you, me, our daughter, our home – this is everything I want and I don't want to lose it."

"Rory, you're not making any sense...why would you lose it?" Logan said as she sat up in bed a bit more.

"I know. I can't get out what I want to say." She said as she pushed her hands through her hair in frustration. "Logan, when I said no to marrying you it was because I had this idea of this whole wide open future ahead of me, I could go anywhere and be anything...or so I presumed. In my head, I thought that marrying you would mean that I would lose that but I was completely wrong. I mean, I lost it anyway - as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Then I got used to the idea that things weren't going to be as I had hoped and I kind of thought that maybe it was something I could pursue, as Lily got older but then you came back into my life and I now know it's just not an option for me." She said as she shook her head gently.

"Of course it is," Logan said as he leant forward to brush away some hair that fallen across Rory's eyes.

"No, it's not and it's fine. Really it is. There's no way I can jet off around the world being an overseas correspondent. It's not about me anymore. I have a family."

"So what are you saying?" Logan loved hearing that, he loved to hear Rory call him her family.

"I'm saying that the reasons I said no to marrying you just don't add up anymore. If I am truthful, I know they probably didn't add up then but I was scared. I want us to be together Logan, I want us to be a proper family. So what do you say..." she said looking at Logan hopefully.

"I say...damn straight Ace! Of course!" he said as he swept her up into a huge embrace.

"Oh my life, I am so relieved. That was pretty nerve-wracking" she said.

"I know right!" Logan joked. "Hang on," he said as he jumped out of bed and went over to his dresser drawer. He pulled out the small blue velvet box that Rory had last seen on her graduation day. Logan held out the box to Rory who met his eyes with her own. "We can get a new one if you prefer..."

Rory gasped "You kept it all this time?"

Logan shrugged "It was yours, I bought it for you – the moment I saw it I knew it was perfect. I could never get rid of it and there was no way anyone else was going to wear it".

When Logan had first seen the ring in, he knew that it was Rory all over. Elegant and unique, the ring was timeless featuring a stunning three carat pear-shaped diamond center stone, framed by twelve princess-cut diamonds, channel set on a platinum band. Even though it had been a few years since he'd bought it, it was still absolutely perfect for Rory. Logan had opened the box many times over the past few years and it caused him so much pain to look at it, but now it was different.

"I can't believe you kept it," Rory said as Logan slipped the ring onto her finger. She had loved the ring as soon as she had seen it. She remembered trying it on and admiring it while she was packing up her apartment feeling totally conflicted about her future.

"I guess I always hoped I'd see you wear it one day"

The fact that he had kept hold of it after all these years and had hung on to the hope that one day she might actually get to wear it meant so much to Rory and she couldn't imagine wearing any other ring.

"Now that's sorted, can we please get some sleep" Logan laughed pulling Rory down onto the bed with him.

"There's no way I can sleep now, I am way too excited!" Rory said, giddy with happiness.

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