Everything Has Changed

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"Logan, Rory, it's so very lovely to see you," Shira said with a saccharine sweet smile as she greeted the couple.

A couple of days had passed since they had achieved the 'official' status in their relationship and after a lovely few days spent in their own little bubble of happiness, they had decided it was time to start sharing the good news with their friends and family.

Rory still wasn't quite used to this new and improved version of Shira so was always a little on her guard.

"Oh Lily, come to grandma," Shira said excitedly with her arms outstretched.

Rory watched as Lily bounded over towards Shira. As much as she would have hoped that any daughter of hers had a better judgement of character, Lily clearly loved Shira and far be it for Rory to get in the way of that. She might have her own strained relationship with Logan's parents but she was never going to come in between the little girl and her grandparents if they were so willing to accept her. She had, after all, had her own taste of what that was like with the Haydens'.

"Drink?" Mitchum asked them as they walked into the room.

"Sure, I'll have a scotch" Logan said "Rory, martini?"

She nodded and smiled in response. "Thanks, that would be nice"

"So it's lovely that you decided to join us for dinner tonight..." Shira started saying.

"Well in the interest of being completely altruistic, we came because we wanted to tell you something," Logan said before his mother could say any more.

"Oh?" she looked at him questioningly.

"Rory and I," Logan said as he squeezed his girlfriend's hand "We're officially back together."

"Well, it's about time!" Mitchum laughed as he handed the couple their drinks.

Logan looked at his father in surprise.

"Oh come on Logan, it was only a matter of time. You two have never been able to stay apart for very long. And you live together..."

It was true, and both Rory and Logan knew it themselves. Though neither had would admit it they knew from the start that the friend thing was never going to work out for them.

"This is fabulous!" Honor said as she smiled at her brother and jumped up to hug Rory.

"Yes, it's lovely news" Shira smiled "You act like a proper family now".

Rory couldn't quite tell if Shira was being sincere or not but she smiled along anyway, happy at the thought of them being a family. She had been so caught up in the whole 'making things official with Logan' that she hadn't really considered that part of it, but of course, now they were back to together they really were a family for the first time.

"Logan, I don't mean to talk shop but as you are here, there are a few things I could do with going through, have you got a minute?" Mitchum asked his son, as he gestured towards his study.

"Ace, do you mind if I..." Logan asked. He didn't want Rory to think he was abandoning her but his parents seemed to be much better at controlling themselves these days so it didn't really worry him as much as it used to.

"It's fine" she smiled "You go"

"Out gamma," Lily said as she looked up at Shira, pleading with the sparkling blue eyes that matched her mom's.

Shira looked at Rory and gasped "Did she...?"

"Yes, she did. That's you, she just can't quite manage 'grandma' yet. I think she wants you to take her outside."

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