Grow Up

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A week had slowly passed by since Logan and Rory had fought about her date. During that time she'd gone out with Carter again on a lunch date. While Carter was a really nice guy, Rory wasn't really sure if she had actually wanted to go out with him or if it was more about wanting to demonstrate to Logan that he couldn't control her life, but either way, she'd had a nice time and was already making plans to see him again.

Rory was frustrated and angry. She was annoyed that Logan had appeared to have gone AWOL. Of course, she also felt very bad about what she said and she knew that it was completely out of line. He'd just kind of taken her by surprise showing up like that. Rory had called and messaged him several times but it was to no avail. He never picked up the phone or responded to any messages. Short of driving over to the Huntzberger's house to confront him she didn't really know what she should do next - and she really didn't want to do that if it could be avoided.

Rory decided that she would call him one last time today. She groaned when she heard his voicemail kick in yet again and steeled herself for leaving him another message that he was bound to ignore.

"Logan. I know you are angry with me but this is ridiculous. This is the absolute last time I am calling you so you had better listen and listen good. I screwed up, I know that. I should never have said what I said but your just disappearing off the face of the earth, it is not acceptable. Not now, not ever. I thought I made it clear Logan. I am not interested in a part-time father for Lily. You're either in or you're out. There's no in between. If you're in, you're all in."

Rory ended the call and slammed the phone down on the counter.


After waiting around all afternoon to see if Logan might call back after receiving Rory's angry message, she decided to get out of the house for a bit so she grabbed Lily and headed to Stars Hollow to see her mom.

She pulled up outside her old house, unclipped Lily out of the car and walked into the house. The house was in silence yet she knew that her mom was there somewhere as her jeep was sitting outside in its usual spot.

"Mom?" she called out.

"Hey Rory, I'm in the kitchen, come in here I'm just..."

"Stop right there lady because if that sentence ends in any kind of insinuation that you are cooking I am walking straight back out that door..." Rory said as she walked into the kitchen to find Lorelai sitting at the table eating.

"Ice-cream?" Lorelai said holding out the tub "Grab a spoon kid!"

Rory smiled and went and got herself a spoon. She sat down next to Lorelai at the table with Lily on her lap.

"Here, give me my grandbaby," Lorelai said arms outstretched "Aww Lily I've missed you. What's up Ror? Still not heard from Logan?"

"Yes and I am so mad at him right now," Rory said pursing her lips.

"What happened between you two anyhow? You never did say, only that 'words' had been had" Lorelai said wiggling her eyebrows at her daughter.

"Ugh, it's all your fault!" Rory exclaimed.

Lorelai looked puzzled. "Err, my fault? How so?!"

"I bumped into Logan, and his entire family, when I was on the date with Carter. He freaked out about it. We had a fight. I I've not seen or heard from his since. The end"

Lorelai wrinkled her nose. "Awkward, but I don't see how it's my fault?"

"It was your idea for me to go on a stupid date!" Rory rolled her eyes and mimicked her mother "Oh go on a date Rory, it's just what you need Rory, it will take the edge off Rory"

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