I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

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It was finally the morning of the wedding and Rory woke earlier than she normally would, around 6 am. She'd had a surprisingly good sleep. Seeing Logan the night before and sharing her news with him had made her relax a little. She lay in her bed quietly for a while. It all felt so surreal. She couldn't believe that their wedding day had finally arrived.

She got out of bed and headed into the shower. By the time she came out Honor, who was staying in the same room as her, was awake and they sat on the bed talking for a little. Rory was glad that their wedding was late afternoon giving them more time to relax and get ready slowly but even so, the day already seemed to be flying by and it wasn't long until the hairstylist had arrived to start setting up. Before she knew it, her hair and make-up had been perfected and it was time to start getting into her dress. With the help of her bridesmaids, she stepped into her dress and Honor did up the buttons on the back before attaching her veil.

With everything on and in place, Rory stood in front of the mirror adjusting her dress. She'd never really felt like a bride until that moment, she could hardly believe that the person in the reflection was her. She took a deep breath, the nerves suddenly getting the better of her. Typically, as could have been expected, the dreaded morning sickness had also chosen today to kick in meaning she had already lost her breakfast of Pop Tarts and croissants. Thankfully she was able to put this down to nerves and nobody else thought any different. For a moment she found herself alone in the hotel room and she sat on the bed watching Lily play on the floor. Enjoying a moment of peace and relaxation. It felt like time had stopped for a moment and she was able to really reflect on the enormity of the occasion. It was one she would never forget.

Lorelai came into the room and sat next to her daughter on the bed. "Everything okay?"

"Everything is fine" Rory smiled "Just taking a breather, you know"

"Nerves?" Lorelai asked her sympathetically.

"A little" Rory admitted to her mother.

Steph tapped gently at the door and Rory looked up as she entered the room carrying an expensive looking gift-wrapped box.

"Logan instructed me to give you this," Steph said with a smile.

Rory raised an eyebrow at her friend and took the box out of her hand. She carefully untied the bow and her breath hitched as she opened it to find the most beautiful diamond necklace that she had ever seen.

"It's called the Sunflower necklace," Steph said. "Logan spent a lot of time picking this out for you" she added as she remembered just how long she had spent out shopping with Logan while he deliberated over what to buy for her.

Rory smiled. Logan was always so thoughtful and somehow he had remembered how much she loved sunflowers. She touched the necklace gently in the box.

"Wow," Lorelai said as she peeked in. "Kiddo, that is something special. Here, let me put it on you" she said as she carefully lifted it out the box and fastened it around her daughter's neck.

Rory stood looking in the mirror as she clasped the necklace to her, feeling pretty overwhelmed. All she really wanted to do in that moment was speak to Logan but she knew her mother and bridesmaids would never let her. She briefly contemplated slipping out to call him but she thought better of it, not knowing whether it would actually make her nerves better or worse.

Meanwhile, in his own hotel room, Logan was getting ready to leave for the wedding, feeling more nervous than he'd ever felt in his life. He had absolutely no doubt that this was what they both wanted – he knew that they both loved each other more than anything in the world. It had just felt like a long haul getting to this point. Everything was going so well for them and he really didn't want anything to go wrong. He felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket and pulled it out to see a message from Steph.

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