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Logan stood frozen to the spot, not sure whether to call out or just pretend he hadn't seen her. It had been so long. What would he say? In the end, before he really even knew what was happening and before he could stop himself, the words just tumbled out of his mouth.

"Hey! Lorelai!"

Lorelai, who was absentmindedly admiring a dress in a shop window immediately spun around to see just who was calling her name. It was a rare occasion that she actually bumped into anyone she knew in Hartford so she was surprised to hear someone calling her.

"Logan!" she exclaimed, somewhat shocked as she realised that the person calling her name was none other than her daughter's significant ex-boyfriend and one-time near fiancé. Lorelai hadn't seen or heard of Logan in a long time and the last she'd heard, he had actually made the move to California and didn't come back this way very often so he'd been pretty much the last person she had expected to see that day. Lorelai took a deep breath as she watched him as he crossed the road to greet her properly.

"Wow, Logan, it's been..." Lorelai paused as she mentally tried to add up exactly how long it had been since she had last seen him walking away dejectedly at Rory's graduation.

"....about eighteen months" Logan finished the sentence for her.

"Sure" Lorelai nodded and smiled " So, how have you been Logan?"

"Oh you know, pretty busy. California is keeping me on my toes."

"Right. Of course. Looks like it's been treating you well, the sun-kissed surfer dude thing is really working for you" Lorelai joked. Logan had always been extremely good-looking but his time in California had meant that his hair had got blonder and he had a slight golden tan which only added to his overall appearance.

"Ha, thanks," Logan said as he brushed his hand through his hair. "It's taken some adjusting to the lifestyle that's for sure. I'm not really into yoga and juicing, you know the healthy living type of stuff. Green liquid for breakfast was never really my thing."

Lorelai shuddered at the thought "Well quite. Who in their right mind would want green goo for breakfast? I tell you, it's all that California sunshine, it's fried their brains".

"I couldn't agree more" Logan laughed "Hence the adjustment, they're not quite at the same level of coffee drinking as us east coast dwellers...Anyhow, you look like you have been kept pretty busy yourself!"

"Huh?" Lorelai asked him confusedly.

"Who is this little princess" Logan gestured towards the baby girl sitting quietly in the stroller that Lorelai had been pushing.

"Oh, right, yes." Lorelai smiled, catching on. "Yes, busy is one way of putting it. Life has certainly changed a bit since I last saw you. This little ray of sunshine is Lily".

"Hi, Lily!" Logan said crouching down with a smile "She's a real beauty" he said looking back up at Lorelai. "She's definitely got those dazzling blue Gilmore eyes huh."

"She sure did" Lorelai smiled down at Lily proudly. She was biased of course but Lily really was a heart-stealer with her wide blue eyes and cheeky dimples. Everyone who met her fell immediately in love with her. Lorelai watched as Logan effortlessly made the baby girl break out into a toothless smile. "I never knew that you were so good with children!"

"Nor did I, but my sister Honor has a little girl herself now. Her name is Ophelia or we call her Fifi for short, and what can I say, it turns out, I am a natural!" Logan said standing back up. "She's lovely Lorelai."

"Thanks - and you seem to have completely won her over already. You'll have a friend for life! Damn that Huntzberger charm" Lorelai joked. "I forgot how the ladies always fell at your feet."

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