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More than six months had passed since Logan and Rory had tied the knot in New Haven. The first few months were as blissful as you might expect for a newlywed couple but now that the wedding planning was done and dusted, Logan had thrown himself back into work one hundred per cent while Rory was trying her hardest to smile through the trials and tribulations of her second pregnancy. It hadn't been quite as plain sailing as the first pregnancy and she had been experiencing all kinds of issues from anaemia to sciatica to carpal tunnel syndrome meaning that all-in-all, she had felt pretty crappy for the past few months.

Rory had tried to keep her mood in check but she knew that as the months went on and she felt more and more uncomfortable she was becoming snappy and short with Logan. He was trying to be as patient with her as possible, and do whatever he could to help her but there wasn't a lot he could do to ease the strain. He'd arranged for Marta to move into their spare room to be around more for Lily and try and help Rory to relax more, but nevertheless, Logan still found himself walking on eggshells more often than not – especially given the lack of caffeine finding it's way into Rory's system these days.

Logan walked into the kitchen where Rory was sitting at the counter eating breakfast. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her before kissing the top of her head.

"Good morning beautiful," he said with a smile.

Rory looked up at him and smiled back. "Morning, coffee?" she asked as she got up slowly to pour him a cup. At nearly eight months pregnant, her movements were definitely slowing her down a little.

"Erm..." Logan paused to look at his watch "Sure, why not."

"In a rush?" Rory looked at him puzzled.

"I..no, I just have an early meeting to get to this morning is all," Logan said as he gulped down his coffee.

Rory raised an eyebrow at his jumpiness. "So I was thinking that perhaps I could meet you for lunch today?" she said as Logan was putting on his jacket.

He paused and sighed "That would have been really nice Ace, but, I've, erm, I think I am going to have to work through lunch today, this deal I am working on is taking up more time that I thought."

"Oh, okay," Rory said acting a little disappointed.

"I'll make it up to you...tomorrow maybe? I gotta shoot now." Logan said as he picked up his laptop case and kissed her goodbye.

Rory watched him leave and put down her cup. Things had been a little weird recently between her and Logan and she couldn't help but feel like he was hiding something from her. She hoped it was just her being paranoid but she wasn't sure if it was anything to worry about or not.

"Dragonfly Inn, Lorelai speaking"


"Oh hey Rory, how are you feeling? More importantly, how are those cankles holding up?" Lorelai laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny mom. My cankles are just fine" Rory said sarcastically.

"What can I do for you today oh fruit of my loins" Lorelai asked.

"Logan is having an affair," Rory said matter-of-factly.

"What!" Lorelai yelled down the phone. "Rory?"

"He's cheating on me!" Rory said quietly.

"I...do not understand what you are saying. I mean, are you sure?" Lorelai didn't actually think for one minute that Logan would be cheating on his pregnant wife, but having been on the receiving end of Rory's hormone-induced tongue lashings recently she wanted to tread carefully.

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