All I Wanted

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"Knock knock"

Rory looked up to see Logan standing at the door with Lily in his arms. Their tête-à-tête a few days earlier had seemed to clear the air a little and she was glad of this. After she had time to stew on it, Rory felt like she had over-reacted a bit about Logan having a drink with someone else, but she had been so annoyed that he had missed collecting Lily she couldn't help but lash out. Of course, it brought a few things to a head and while some things were still unresolved, they were at least starting to open up and talk about their feelings.

They had needed to accept that they had both been hurt by each other in the past. They'd each caused the other untold grief but they needed to move on from that. Logan had only just begun to look past his own pain and realize just how much Rory must have been hurting after her graduation, and throughout her pregnancy. He still felt confused about their current situation, not entirely sure of what Rory wanted from him but she had made it clear that while she may not be ready quite yet to go all in, ultimately it was what she wanted for the future and Logan was willing to wait.

"I'm sorry I was hoping to find Rory but I think I must have got the wrong address as I'm pretty sure I'd never catch" he laughed as Rory through a tea towel at him.

"I'm not cleaning actually – and that was very rude by the way. Just because I've lived with Emily Gilmore all this time doesn't mean that I am too good to pick up a duster" she said. "I'm actually decluttering. I thought I'd make the most of having a few hours to myself. All's taking over." Rory said as she picked up a box and put it near the door. "I can't wait to get a job so I can get a bigger place. As soon as I finish grad school...You want a drink?" she asked taking Lily off him and giving her a big kiss.

"I'll get it," Logan said walking over to the kitchen and pouring two coffees. He picked them up and put them on the coffee table next to where Rory was sitting.

"So we have some news to share with you, don't we Lily," Logan said.

"Oh?!" Rory looked at Logan suspiciously.

"Someone took some steps today..." he said tentatively, not sure how Rory would feel about missing out on such an important milestone.

"My baby walked!" Rory looked at Logan in shock. "Aww, you clever girl," she said giving Lily a big squeeze.

"You're not sad you missed it?" he asked carefully. "I didn't know whether I should tell you or not...wait for you to discover it for yourself"

"Ah I am little sad" Rory smiled "But I've had lots of firsts, I'm glad that you got to experience one too. Actually, that reminds me of something, can you take Lily for a moment?" she said popping Lily down on his lap. Rory looked at Lily and Logan together. They had become pretty much inseparable in such a short space of time and while she was disappointed to have not witnessed Lily's first steps, she truthfully was really happy that Logan had got to enjoy a special moment with his daughter.

Rory grabbed a box and sat down next to him. "I've had this for a while, I've been meaning to give it to you but there's been so much going on I kind of just forgot about it until I was clearing out today."

"What is it?" he said as he took the box off her looking puzzled

"Open it" Rory instructed. She felt nervous, not sure how Logan would react to the contents of the box.

Logan carefully lifted the lid off the box. Inside it was packed full of photographs of Lily, from the moment she was born until Logan had come into her life. There were copies of the scans that Rory had when she was pregnant and a series of handwritten Post-It notes with key dates and events written on them. He flicked through the contents of the box quietly, feeling a bit sad at realising what he had missed out on.

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