Dancing in the Dark

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Finally, after what felt like years of planning and waiting, it was the night before the big wedding of the year. As tradition dictated, Rory and Logan found themselves apart and had booked into separate hotels in New Haven ahead of the main event. Rory having done a final check, making sure everything was in place for the big day, was trying to relax in her room with Honor and Steph – the nerves were starting to kick in.

"So are you really ready to do this?" Honor asked Rory.

"I really am," Rory said. "A bit nervous but that's perfectly natural right?"

Honor smiled and nodded. "Totally, don't you remember I had a mini freak out right before marrying Josh?"

"I never actually thought I'd see the day" Steph said as she shook her head "I mean, seriously, if you'd have asked me a few years ago whether I thought that Logan Huntzberger, THE Logan Huntzberger, would be able to settle down with just one girl, I would have laughed you out the room" she said.

"Hey that's my brother you're talking about," Honor said as she put her hands on her hips.

Steph raised an eyebrow. "And Honor, I am sure you know his reputation, as well as any of us, do..."

"True" Honor giggled. "It has to be said...well done Rory, you tamed the beast."

"And skipped the line. I still don't know how you managed to pull that off." Steph teased.

Rory laughed "It wasn't intentional, I didn't even know there was a line! You know I wasn't even that interested in Logan to start with, I thought he was a complete and utter ass but then as I got to know him better I started to find him..."

"Cute?" Steph giggled.

"Well yes, but actually I was going for intriguing. When I first met him he was so arrogant and cocky, and I was sure he was just another privileged rich boy playing with daddy's money but then as I slowly got to know the guy behind all of that...well, there was so much more there. He was funny, super intelligent, kind, compassionate..." Rory trailed off.

"And pretty good in bed I've heard," Steph said.

"Oh come on. I do not want to know" Honor said as she put her fingers in her ears.

Steph threw a pillow at Rory. "Come on Rory, spill. We all know that you two are like dogs on heat."

"La la la la la....I can't hear you" Honor shouted.

Rory shook her head "All I will say is that I definitely have no cause for complaints in that department." They all fell about giggling but were soon interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing.

Rory reached over to the side of bed to answer the call.


"Hello, Miss Gilmore? This Lynda, I am calling from Reception. We have a message for you from a Mr Huntzberger?"

"Oh, okay" Rory pulled a face at her friends, slightly puzzled as to why Logan would be leaving a message for her.

"Mr Huntzberger has asked us to pass the message on that he would like you to meet him outside the Sterling Memorial Library at 9 pm this evening."

Rory looked at the clock. It was 8.30pm now. "Okay, thank you," she said replacing the receiver.

"What was that all about?" Honor asked.

"Logan, being all mysterious and asking me to meet him..." Rory shrugged.

"Knowing Logan he probably just wants one last quickie before you're old and married." Steph joked.

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