Tell Me It's Okay

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The next morning Rory woke up to the sound of her daughter babbling in the crib at the end of her bed. She slowly opened her eyes and let them adjust to the light. As she remembered the events of the night before, Rory rolled back onto her pillow and groaned. She reached over to the side of her bed and picked up her cell phone.

"Hey kiddo!" the bright and breezy voice of her mom answered.

"I HAD SEX WITH LOGAN" Rory yelled.

"And now I have acute deafness." Lorelai said as she moved the phone away from her ear. "and as much as I truly want to believe that Lily came into this world via the absolute miracle that is immaculate conception, I'm going to have to say, I think it's a bit obvious to all and sundry that you had sex with Logan hun..."

"No. Last night. I had sex with Logan last night." Rory groaned.

"What! When, where, why!" Lorelai asked.

Rory sighed. "After the party, on the sofa in the pool house."

"And I am NEVER sitting on that sofa again." Lorelai shuddered.

"Mom, I am serious!" Rory said.

"So am I!" Lorelai joked.

"Well it's too late for that anyhow, you've sat there before and..." Rory trailed off.

"Ooh, dirty! Now I know why my mother always referred to it as your sex house. So, how was it..." Lorelai asked.

"It was...." Rory started before stopping, wondering just what words she could use to describe it. Wonderful? Amazing? Perfect? All of the above? "You know what, I am NOT having this conversation with my mother".

"So it was good then huh" Lorelai laughed.

"It's always good" Rory shrugged "But this situation, it's anything other than good, it's bad, it's very very bad."

"Why?" Lorelai said quizzically. "You like Logan right, we can all see that and clearly if you were making whoopee on my mother's sofa last night, he's pretty sweet on you too."

Rory rolled her eyes. "Because it just wasn't meant to happen, we weren't meant to go there and then Logan just got up and left. He was being...weird" Rory closed her eyes as she thought back to their awkward parting, kind of wishing she'd forced him to stay instead of letting him run out.

"He left? Weird? In what way?" Lorelai asked.

"He was just very...I don't know, cold maybe, I mean considering how he had been only ten minutes previously...Now we are going to have to have a very awkward conversation about it and ugh, I just don't want to have to face him. I am such an idiot."

"Oh Rory, I am sure it won't be as bad as you are expecting and I'm sure he's going to feel just as awkward as you about it all."

"Maybe, I just wish I knew what the whole leaving thing was about. He couldn't get out of their fast enough, which is a great ego-booster let me tell you."

"I can't answer that one kid, men are strange creatures, but please Rory, don't stress over this, just give call him and get it over and done with. Rip that Band-Aid right off!"

Rory didn't call Logan that day, or the next and neither did he get in contact with her, though he had really wanted to. Logan was so mad at himself for leaving the pool house in the way he did and he feared he had completely blown everything with her. He'd waited so long to be with Rory in that way again and then when it happened, he freaked out when he started thinking about what may or may not happen next. Logan was still hurting from Rory's rejection at her graduation and he was unsure about opening himself up again and being in a vulnerable position.

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