Looking Up

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"The door is open, just come right on in" Rory shouted from the bedroom when she heard a knock at the door. Rory was was busy packing an overnight bag for Lily. Logan had asked if he could take her to stay at his parent's house for the night and now she was busy trying to sort out everything she might need, and then some. "I'm in the bedroom."

"Now there's an invitation..." Logan shouted as he walked into the bedroom to find Rory surrounded by piles of stuff.

Rory looked up at Logan and threw a stuffed toy at him. "If I'm not allowed to work blue, neither are you Huntzberger"

Logan laughed. "Erm, Rory, you do realise she's just coming to stay for just one night don't you?"

Rory stood back and assessed the piles of baby gear in front of her. "Am I packing too much?" she wrinkled her nose "It's just she's never slept over anywhere other than here and my moms. I just wanted to make sure that she had everything she needed."

"And more?" Logan smirked.

"You just wait Huntzberger, she's been good for you so far but one day you'll find out just how messy babies can get and then you'll be grateful I packed three sleepsuits! Oh did you remember to pick up a travel cot?" Rory asked.

"I did" Logan nodded "It's all assembled and ready and waiting."

"Great. Well, I guess that's all you need" Rory said handing over the bag.

"Apart from the lady herself?" Logan asked.

"Oh right, yes, duh," Rory said slapping her forehead. "She's in her playpen in the living room," she said as she followed Logan out of the bedroom.

"So, what are you doing with your night of freedom?" Logan asked Rory. He slowly took in her appearance, she was dressed rather casually in her old Yale sweats and her hair was piled up high on top of her head in a messy bun. Logan always loved this version of Rory – the relaxed, dressed-down style. "Hot date?"

"Because this is how I always dress when I am going on a hot date?" Rory rolled her eyes. "No, I have much more exciting plans for Friday night that involve me, a giant pizza and the remote control"

Logan looked at her surprised "I thought you'd take the opportunity of a night off to go out with whatshisname."

"Carter, you know what his name is Logan. And no, that's done."

Logan looked at Rory and raised his eyebrow. "Done?"

"Yeah, it wasn't really working out for me..." Rory trailed off, not sure it was a topic she wanted to discuss with Logan.

"Oh, sorry to hear that."

"No, you're not" Rory laughed.

"Well, okay maybe I'm not sorry but...you seemed to like him," Logan said kindly.

"Ah, he was a nice enough guy but there was something missing you know?" Rory chewed her lip.

"No spark." They both said at the same time and smiled.

"Jinx," Rory said and laughed. "Exactly. I didn't really want to lead him on when I knew it was not going to go anywhere other than the friend zone. Hence..." she gestured down at her outfit "my Friday night attire"

"You could always come with us if you're at a loose end?" Logan said quickly, before wondering what on earth he was thinking. Of course, she was not going to want to go with him to the Huntzbergers, he barely wanted to be there himself.

"No! It's fine, I don't need a pity date Logan. You get going" she said ushering them out the door.

"It's not pity, or a date" Logan shook his head.

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