Where The Lines Overlap

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Logan lay back on his bed and thought about the almost-kiss that had just occurred that night. It had come out of nowhere. If they'd hadn't been interrupted what would have happened? Logan had mixed feelings on the subject. Part of him was longing to kiss Rory again, the other part of him felt that his heart was betraying him. Rory had hurt him so badly, he just wasn't sure if that was a road he could go down again.

Rory had put Lily straight to bed when she got back to the pool house. She was really glad that as she was tired out from all the excitement of meeting new people, she was happy to go straight to bed as she desperately needed some thinking time. Once she had settled her daughter, Rory poured herself a large glass of wine and relaxed onto the sofa to relive the events of what almost happened. They had almost kissed! Rory had no idea whether it was herself that instigated or was it him? She wasn't even sure that was something she really wanted and yet, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that they had been interrupted.


"Lorelai's House of Pain...."

Rory cut her mother off before she could go any further. "Mom, one day you're going to do that to the wrong person you know."

"Duh, we have this new-fangled technology these days, you might have heard of it. It's called caller ID...."

"Whatever" Rory laughed.

"So, what can I do for you dear daughter, I am presuming that at this time of the evening, this is not just a social call..." Lorelai asked.

"Not really. I just needed to talk to someone." Rory said tentatively.

"Gee I feel special" Lorelai joked "Sounds ominous kid. Shoot."

"So...I went to dinner at the Huntzbergers house tonight, you know, so we could break the news about Lily and introduce her to them."

Lorelai was a little surprised. "Really?! And how did they take it?"

"They were a bit shocked, obviously, as you would be, but they took it surprisingly well actually. But that's not what I need to talk about." Rory said firmly.

"It's not. Okay...I'm all ears"

"When we were saying goodbye...Logan and I we...nearly kissed." Rory said quickly.

"Oh my gosh Rory, what a startling revelation. Whatever you do, don't let Emily Gilmore know that you're kissing boys now....she'll have that Reverend back around faster than you can blink...."

"Mom!" Rory sighed.


"Be serious!"

Lorelai laughed. "Sorry kid, but you and Logan have kissed like a million times. Maybe more. I know. I've had the unfortunate experience of walking in on you two making out on more than one occasion. That boy can certainly go for it huh!"

Rory groaned and rolled her eyes. "I knew I should have called Lane instead"

"Okay, I'm being serious. So you 'nearly' kissed, what does that mean." Lorelai asked.

"Exactly that. I gave him a hug goodbye and then we just nearly kissed." Rory said reliving the moment in her head for the hundredth time.

"And what stopped you?"

"My cell phone – thanks for that timely interruption mom!" Rory had checked her cell as soon as she had got in the car and had seen that it was her mom messaging her a dirty limerick.

"Ha, okay, whoops, it was good one though wasn't it?" Lorelai said getting distracted. "So anyway, who was the instigator of the kiss? I mean was it you moving in for the kill or was it him because that makes a difference."

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