•Author's Note•

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Hey y'all! Thank you so much for choosing "Faith" and I promise you're in for the time of your lives!!!

If you've read my first x reader "One and Only" you know that I tend to mess with your hearts and feelings. It's my favorite thing to do and I apologize (not really) but there will definitely be more of that in this story so prepare yourselves!

There might be times where you want to slap Daveed and there might be times where you wonder why you did what you did but trust me, it'll all work out in the end.

This story is going to touch on some sensitive subjects that your character will be struggling with. I won't go very in depth but I will hint at it. I'll make sure to tell you when something serious will come up so it doesn't come out of nowhere and freak you out.

I'll also make sure to tell you when Daveed feels come up because that's exciting. This story will definitely be fluffier than the last one, which is good.

If you haven't already, add "Story News!" to your library so you can be up to date on news about my works!

I'll quit rambling now! Comment, vote, and share! Enjoy "Faith"!

I love all of you

~Autumn aka Mrs. Casal

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now