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Hamilton POV

His skin was so flawless, smooth and shiny with beautiful natural highlights. His eyes were a deep blue, with hints of brown near his pupil. He was wearing his famous purple suit thing (IDK WHAT ITS CALLED AHHH), a flower hanging from s pocket in the front. He was so formal- FUCK HAMILTON YOU NEED TO STOP BEING GROSS.

He walked over to the seats and plopped down beside John.
He avoided eye contact with him, making even more awkward than it already was.
After about two minutes of just silence between the two and John and Peggy flirting, Jefferson decided to break the silence.
"Hey Alex" he mumbled.
Since when did he call me Alex.
"Hello Tom" he responded looking up at him, his heart fluttered, if he was his soulmate, then he would be praying to God every second of his life thanking him for giving him such a hot soulmate- WAIT NO JEFFERSON WAS THE ONE WHO PUT YOU IN THE HOSPITAL FOR THE THIRD TIME. Well, maybe only once.  Most of them were the physical abuse, Madison only did that, but Thomas- no, Jefferson- would just threaten him and talk about his family and friends, making him cut.
Hamilton looked up at Jefferson, he was starring back, but quickly looked away.
"Why is Al- I mean- Hamilton here again?" Jefferson asked.
"It's a date; DUH" Peggy gave him a "BOI ARE U STUPID" look.
Hamilton's face lit up red.
Jefferson did the same but it faded off he looked back at Hamilton.
Hamilton didn't know how to respond, his hands started fidgeting.
Peggy whispered something in Johns ear, his face turned red, he bit his lip and chuckled, "We gotta go guys, so you can stay here" he said and put some money in Jefferson's hand, "There's the money for the food, cya" he said and ran after Peggy.
After they left the two just stared to each other for a few moments.
"Why am I here" Jefferson asked.
"I don't know" Alexander mumbled. 
Jefferson sighed, "How was your day..."
Hamilton almost gasped, that was the first friendly thing he had ever said since they were in Middle School together.
"Fine i guess, how about you?" Hamilton smiled for a second.
Hamilton looked outside and saw that clouds were setting in, rain started pouring down, getting heavier and heavier.
His eyes widened, "Umm, can we go" he said standing up.
Jefferson raised one eyebrow, which looked flawless by the way- STOP ALEX Ugh.
"OKAY, I guess so" they started to head out, by Hamilton blushed as soon as he realized something.
He drove here with Peggy
They were gone.
Peggy + Being gone with the car = Riding home with Jefferson.
Hamilton looked at him, "Can  I ride  with you, J-John left with the car so uhhh" he stammered but Jefferson cut him off, "Yea I guess so" .
They started walking to the car quickly, but the rain got heavier and heavier, suddenly  a roar of thunder came crashing down, that made him snap.
Alex fell to the ground , his around wrapped around his knees, tears started flooding out of his eyes.
Jefferson looked over to him, "Oh shit " he mumbled quietly, but Hamilton ignored it, he could barley see anyways.
Jefferson walked forwards Hamilton and picked him up, bridal style and ran to the car, thunder crashing down, making Hamilton flinch and cry even harder.
They finally got in the car, Jefferson placed Hamilton small fragile body in the front seat.
Jefferson jumped into the car and sped horn to his dorm.
They headed back inside, Hamilton fell asleep in the car, so Jefferson carried him to the dorm. He opened the door with the hand that has closest to Alex's Hand,  And lay Alex down on his bed. Jefferson sat on the edge of the bed, readings LinXDaveed FanFiction's, but Hamilton soon woke up, and the thunder was   Still going .
"Oh crap... I'm sorry..." he stuttered.
Jefferson was about to say something like, "Yiu don't need to apologize" but another roar came and Hamilton rolled up into a ball with a shriek.
Jefferson hated seeing poor ok Hammy like this. He got under the covers with Alex and hugged him, and started humming softly, Lafayette had told him once that it helps with Panic attacks, if this even was one.
Hamilton calmed down, "I'm sorry..." he mumbled.
Jefferson rubbed his back, "No, you shouldn't be sorry..." he whispered.
Alexander rocked back and forth slowly and nodded.
Jefferson's phone ringed, he looked down and saw a message from his cousin, Lafayette.


Jefferson chucked quietly but went back to being serious.
JeffyJefferson;  Umm, no he is fine. I brought him to my place, he was having a panic attack.

He turned his phone off and went back to Hamilton.

"Can I ask you something?" Jefferson said.
"I guess" Hamilton managed to choke out.
"Why did you have that panic attack thing...?"
Hamilton's eyes started to flash with emotions, sadness being the most noticeable.
"W-Well when I was just 17, a hurricane destroyed my town, I watched all of my friends and family drown, kids too. But I didn't drown... and my mother.." he whispered the last part out.
Jefferson nodded, signaling him to continue.
"When 12 my mother died, she was holding me. It was of sickness... me and my brother were the only  ones left, until he died.... I had to be all on my own, after my cousin overdosed..." he explained, at the end he started to sob uncontrollably, whispering words he could barely make out.
"Why did this have to happen to me" he repeated over and over again.
Jefferson hugged the shorty man tight, "It's OKAY, Alex.... I'm here, it's gonna be fine" he murmured softly.
After about 5  minutes of comfortable silence, Hamilton twitched, "Why are you being so nice to me..." he said .
Jefferson was tempted to say I love you, but he held back.
"I do have a heart, I wouldn't just let you sleep on the ground, would I"
"Maybe" he chuckled.
The two laughed together.
"Your not going to class tomorrow by the way".
Hamilton halted at him, "Yes I am"
"Nope, I already informed all the teachers and we are staying here."
Hamilton moaned annoyed, but it somehow turned of Jefferson.
Eww stop Thomas....
Jefferson held Hamilton tighter,
Hamilton was snoring already. (Or was he ;3)
Jefferson wanted to kiss him so bad, but he wanted to save it for a special moment...
" Goodnight Alex..." he whispered.

A/N; WOOPSIE DOOO I FINISHED 3 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! So yeppp, I did the PTSD Hurricane clique thing.
Well thx for reading bye

Word Count; 1149

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