Hamilton's legs were like jello, his eyes started to flood out tears.
"What the fuck Tom!" He cried.
Jefferson backed up from Burr, he cussed under his breath.
"Alex-" he slurred.
"Don't fucking talk to me you cunt!" Alex sobbed and ran off.
(John POV)
John saw Alex slam the door behind him and run out the door, it was if everyone had their mouth stitched together. Whispers started to go around.
"What the hell?"
"I think Jefferson did something.."

John groaned and ran out the door, and began to search for Alex. He has the most biggest dumbest crush on him ever since High School, but he didn't express his feelings.
After about 5 minutes he spotted a small figure crawled up into a ball against the back of the building .
John ran up to Alex, "Alex, are you okay..?" He whispered.
Alex continued to sob, but nodded his head.
"I'm fine...."
John took a deep breath, it was too late to be shy.

"I-I Like you, like love you. I guess, I know you probably don't like me but whatever,...." he said quickly.
Hamilton's face lit up red, "Really...?"
"Umm. y-Yes"
Alexander stood there shocked.
John stared at him for a couple more moments before pulling him in for a kiss.
(Oops I am bad at kissing details)
John pulled away and opened his eyes.
Everything was in color.
Alex backed up, "I'm so sorry....." he mumbled and ran off.
John cocked his head, How was Alex not seeing colors and John was....?

another short chapter :( WHATEVERRRR

infinity - jamilton (completed + read desc) Where stories live. Discover now