Losing old friends

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-"No Connor put me down!"

-"Come onnn we have to try out the pool"

-"But not dressed"

-"Ohh what does it matter?"

-"Ok but let me jump alone"

-"Ok" he said putting me down slowly

For the last few weeks we've been spending a lot of time in the house.It really felt like home.And he was my family.

As soon as he put me down i started to run around the house hiding in random places but at one point i realized he would catch me so eventually i jumped in the pool fully dressed.Right after me he jumped in and seconds later his lips were on mine.

-"Soo like the ha?"

-"Love it " i didn't want to speak i just wanted to enjoy the moment for once.I can't say my life is perfect,but after all these years it seemed like everything was in it's place.I couldn't find a better person for me then Connor.When i think about it,how i met him and that,at that moment it never even crosed my mind that this would happen.For the past few weeks we've been doing everything we wanted to do,spending time together.Not many people knew about us and we wanted it to stay that way,but as time was passing by we didn't care anymore and he had an idea for us to tell everyone but we put that to rest.It's not that urgent.

After all the fun i had to go to my school to finish some paperwork because I'm finishing school soon.K came too and she was in our room waiting for me and she said she wanted to talk.I thought it was just pure gossip between girls but i was wrong.I entered the room and the lights were off.I saw her shadow beside the window.Turning to turn on the light but she stopped me.

-"Don't" she said with a low voice

-"Why not what's wrong K?"

i turned them on and i saw she was holding some pills in her hand

"What's this?Are you sick?"

-"You don't understand do you?" she said to me through crying

"Getting any texts lately?"

-"It was you.But why?" i couldn't believe it.She was the last person on my mind

-"I couldn't stand to see you happy with him.You're rich,beautiful you have everything and you wanted him.The only thing i didn't have but wanted was him."

-"Why didn't you tell me?"

-"And say what? I'm that psycho?"

-"You wanted him?"

-"More than anything.You had everything it was my turn"

-"K i had everything when i met him.Before that my life was a joke.The only thing that kept me alive were my brothers and then i met him."

-"I set up everything.Amber calling him?Phh please.Give me a challange.I paid her and knowing how she is she  did it without asking."

-"Did you realize what you did? That almost ruined us."

-"That's why i did it.I couldn't take it anymore." crying more and more she stood up getting a knife and putting it to her stomach.

-"K give me the knife" i wasn't scared for me i cared too much about her to let her do this

-"No I'm not putting it down.I want this to end already.He loves you take care of him for me will you?"

-"Put it down please" i steped facing her trying to get the knife out her hand but she stabbed herself and fell down on the floor.I panicked and took the knife out.I put my hand on the wound to stop the bleeding for a bit while i call the ambulance.They said they will come in a few minutes and that i should put pressure on her wound.My hand was bloody to my wrist.I was terrified.She opened her eyes fighting for her breath turning to me she said :"You're made for eachother.But please remember me as a friend" all of a sudden it was quiet.Scary quiet.I just remeber someone pulling me off her asking me questions and taking care of her.Few minutes later i was outside wrapped in a blanket.I saw them taking her away.She died in my arms.I felt Conor holding me in his arms saying it would be ok as long as he's here.But i couldnt help but look at my bloody hand.I didn't feel guilty,i was shocked.She took her last breath in my arms.The ride home was quiet.As soon as we got home he helped me wash my hand and help me undress and he did too and we sat on the bed.I showed no emotions i was just watching one spot.

-"What happened Ann?"

-"She told me she wanted to talk.I thought it was a girly talk you know?As we always did.But she started to cry holding these pills in her hand.I thought she was sick and that she was upset because of it.All of a sudden she pulled out a knife and stabbed herself."

-"What did she tell you?"

I looked in his eyes and said

-"She loved you more than anything in this world"

-"Come here"

He put me in his lap kissing my head

-"It's not our fault.It was her decision.You couldn't help her."

-"She had this image of me that i had a perfect life and that she was a victim of my glory"

-"You can't go back in time and change it.It happened and know she's in a better place"

-"When i close my eyes i see her face catching her last breath holding my bloody hand begging me not to forget her"

-"It's ok.Don't close your eyes let's stay awake untill you're better.Ok?"


We really did stay up that night.Untill morning.When the sun was coming out i was too tired so i fell asleep in his lap.He didn't move, not for a second.I attended the funeral but watching it far away from the actual grave.Her mother blamed me and i couldn't take that.I was crushed.She was there for me always but i didn't have a chance to be there for her and know she is gone..After a few days i was still crushed but i was trying to be positive cause of Connor.We were back to our own lives we're still alive.We did everything like we did before these events but i still wore black and that was the part of me that will never heal.

-"Let's get away for a few days."Connor said to me

-"Ok let's go.But where?"

-"I don't know.But let's have fun and just forget about the problems"

-"I'm all for it." i said putting a smile frim ear to ear.Seeing me like that he was happy too.And i wanted him to be happy with me like i was with him.And for the past few days my wish was coming true.This trip is just going to make it better.

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