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His words still echoed in your mind.
Get you to love him again? 
What bullshit, you loved him, but not anymore . That was the past.
When you were still completely clueless and dumb.
The past, when you didn't notice that you were being used.


Things have changed since that time.

You've changed , you weren't falling for his selfish request like you once did.

He used you once,but he's not using you again.
You're not going to let him use you again.

You were just so happy for him that you completely forgot about the wound that was slowly spreading inside your heart.
You thought that as long as he was happy than everything was going smoothly.

But nothing was going smoothly , he lied, told you that you were the only one, did things to you made you do things that you never wished to do.

But you were just so blind back then, that you didn't even realised that the things he made you do was something you didn't wish to do.
He blackmailed you, brain washed you with his words and look.

Just thinking about those times gave you a good enough excuse to slap him across the face.
But just snapping his wasn't going to express the mental and physical pain you went through because of him.

You were all just so young that time, clueless about the world and the dangers.

But it all just happened, and it was only you who had to suffer.

But why was it that you still loved him ?

Weren't you supposed to hate him for what he did to you?

It frustrates you, knowing that you haven't fully gotten over him.

It was a cold morning, the skies were grey, it was meant to rain soon.
You were deep thought, your eyes felt heavy from yesterday's all nighter.
Your whole entire week was bombarded with tests, and your parents weren't accepting anything under 80% , so you always had to study.

You never had free time, and even if you did, you wasted it by studying or sleeping, you didn't have friends and going outside was a burden to you, what was the point.
You parents are always away because of work matters , meaning you were was at home alone.

So there was absolutely nothing to do...

The bell rang, notifying that it was lesson.
First period: English.
You let out an annoyed sigh thinking about all the writings you had to do for revision.
The English test was tomorrow, so it was by surprise when your teacher flooded the class with hundreds of tasks; such as talking pages worth of notes and writing.

The class once empty class was now loud, Jimin took his seat 2 seats away from yours.
He was happy and bubbly as ways....fucking cunt.

"Silent!" The teacher slammed a hard cover book on their desk, an annoyed expression on her face.
"Thank you" she folded her arms.
"Alright class, today we have a new student joining us, he's come all the way from England, make sure to treat him well"

Once the teacher finished talking, the most sexiest boy walked in the class, you could feel your heart skip a beat and feel you cheeks heat up.

He stood infront if the class with smug smirk on his face, only making him look more sexy than he already was.
"Nice to meet you all" he spoke, damn was his voice husky
"names Kim Namjoon, hope we can get along"

You were so busy admiring the new student that you couldn't see an angry Jimin glaring at the two of you

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You were so busy admiring the new student that you couldn't see an angry Jimin glaring at the two of you.

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