Humpty Dumty

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Humpty Dumty sat on a wall

            Humpty Dumty had a great fall
                            All the King's horses and men
                                    Couldn't put humpty together again..

Jin (pov)

The room was a completely mess, it seemed like a crazy ape was let lose here.
Broken glass, scattered papers, crooked paintings, bloody hell, the boy had even ripped the curtains!
Jungkook walked infront of me and picked up the papers from the floor and piled them nicely on a dark wooden desk.
He looked around the room and questioned "where's hyung?"

We both looked at each other with a concerned expression.
I was so distracted by the state of the room, that I designed and put together, that I almost forgot about Jimin.
"Jimin!" I called out as I opened a door that led to a small hallway with doors with Jungkook following behind me.
"Jimin, where are you?" I called out again as I checked one of the rooms.

As I was about to check the room next to it, suddenly...there was a noise.
The quote sound of the radio playing could be heard from the last room...the blue room.
Jungkook and I glanced at each other before rushing to the door and pushing it wide open only to be greeted with broken furniture and decoration all over the place. And there he was, Park Jimin, hugging his Knees,

"Jimin?" Jungkook softly spoke as he walked towards the bathroom.
"Leave..." We heard Jimin whispere, his voice was horse and was shaking.
Panic arose inside me.
"Jimin...can we please come in?" I softly spoke as I held the door handle "we promise not to hurt you" no reply.
Jungkook gently knocked on the door "Hyung, you can trust us"
he paused "we won't do the same thing those doctors did to you when you were please"

My heart ached...Jimins past...he suffred so much...those people did him so dirty.
"Jimin please" I whispered out after a while, Jimin finally called out "every head everywhere"
Jungkook looked at me with an impatient look on his face, he pushed me away as he began to enter the room "Jungkook stop" but before I couod insist, the door was already wide open...and dear lord...

My heart almost stopped at the sight infront of me.

I couldn't move

We had come to the stage that I had been dreading the most...

Slowly I began to move near Jimins limp body that lay on the cold tiled floor...the bath tub was over flowing with water, the mirror was smashed and has specks of blood, the once clean pink wall was stained with red...

"Jimin?" I whispered as got on me knees and held his cold body in my arms.
I gently shook his body, not know what to do...
My heart was pounding inside me, I couldn't think straight, my body felt stiff my breath was heavier, fear had completely absorbed me.
Jungkook kneeled next to me, his gave whiter than a sheet of paper.

There was bloody dripping down his face...
So much bloody overflowing.

"JIN HYUNG!!" Jungkook screamed as he stood up
"Hurry, do something" there was tears streaming down his face.
"If the blood doesn't stop..."
"Jimin will die!!"

That's right
I have to do something
Or Jimin...he'll lose to much blood.

I quickly stood up with  Jimin in my arms and ran out of the room with Jungkook.
I ran stright to his bed room and kocked the door open to the main hallway amd once again dashed to the last door. As soon as we were i side I softly plaved him on the bed, I shuffled through the shelf of books and other things and pulled out an first aid.
The bandaged inside were to thin...I need more thicker ones inorder to stop his bleeding.
"Jimin quickly grab a thick bandage from the first drawer over there!" I instructed the younger male as I grabbed my phone and called assistance.

"Yes hello this is Dr Jin, I need nurses right now at floor S room no.69, patient no.M-21 Park Jimin. A cracked skull and a deep cut in his stomach !"
Jungkook passed me the bandaged which I quickly wrapped around Jimins head while speaking of the phone.
"What do you mean it'll take you fucking 12 minutes!" I scremed at the fame nurse on the other hand " I don't give a fuck! This is a fucking emergency, my personal patient is loosing to much blood...oh piss off" I groaned as I ended the call.

Jungkook was wiping the bloody off Jimins face and hands while muttering under his breath "You'll be fine..."
I ripped open Jimins shirt and began to examine his cut, it was much worst that I had imagined.
I rushed to the drawers and opened each one of them...Nothing...
There was nothing in this room that could help Jimin...
"Fuck!" I scremed as I kicked the desk.

I turned on my heels and carried Jimin again and began to walk.
"We are we going?" Jungkook questioned
"My emergency room" I spoke
"But Namjoon and (Y/N)-"
"Jungkook does it look like it give two fucks of they're in there" I scremed "Jimin is loosing to much blood and I don't give a shit if the nurse have other patients to handle or if there are two fuckers in my room,I'm not letting this boy die!"

Finally we arrived to the room, Jungkook opened the door as I ran inside no caring about Namjoon and (Y/n) and placed him on the bed.
I pushed my equipment trolly next to the bed.
"Oh my God what happened!!" (Y/N) scremed as she came close to Jimins body "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HIM!" I scremed as I pushed her.

She looked at me with a annoyed expression...that bitch.
The nurses finally decided to show up, 9 of them.
"Please leave" I told Jungkook, Namjoon and (Y/N).
"This is going to take a while I said before shutting the door...I turned to face Jimin, the nurses had already began to clean out the blood and attached the wires to the Machine.
"How his heart beat?" I spoke while sowing his cut
"Bad..." The nurse replied "his lost to much blood and there was several more wounds the be treated"

I nodded

Don't worry Jimin

You'll be fine

I'll make sure to save you this time.

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