All 3 of us

265 18 7

Your POV

I held the phone tightly near my ear, body stiff, heart plunged deep into the cold sea of pure horror, my brain having a difficult time processing the information I was given.
I repeatedly told my self that it was a lie and this I was hearing things because of the lack of sleep.

I shook my head




Dropped to my knees


Wanted to die

"Please...come see him"

Was the last thing I heard Jin struggle out before the call ended.

I just sat there, feeling like my whole world just fell apart and pended right on me. The long annoying sound of the phone beeping loud yet fuzzy and unclear inside my brain.
This felt like a dream inside my head.

But my skin was definitely feeling cold realty embracing it.

That night, I hugged my regretful...sinful body to sleep, his cries inside my mind, his horrified expression embedded inside.
This feeling...I've felt his many many times...

This bitter feeling of guilt and regret combined together to creat the strongest of all feelings...


Is collapsing


Everything has already collapsed

Namjoon pov

I looked at my phone screen, rubbed my eyes for the 10th time, slapped my cheeks, restarted my phone, refreshed the page...
This can't be real...I want to let out a loud scream.
I wanted to splash ice water on my face.
For a few seconds, I almost felt like I still sleeping and this was all just a bad nightmare, but nightmares aren't this realistic...your feeling aren't this alive...this was painful, cold reality.

A reality I didn't want to believe in

A reality I had never prepared for

(Y/n)....does she know about this

Does Jungkook know about this

Jin: I know this is all to much to take

Jin: but perhaps you could visit him?


This is all way to much to take on

This don't feel real

You who fought so hard...has fallen into your worst nightmare

And just so suddenly



please make it so that this is all but just a dream


Jungkook POV

I was soaking wet, I felt cold.
Here I sat...feeling so pathetic about myself, staring at my brothers sleeping face.
His body covered in white bandages his once soft lips looking dry, his figure looking skinnier...smaller...weaker.
My eyes were tired and sore from crying, my through feeling rough because of all the shouting.
And my heart
My heart feeling it just got ran over.

I looked around the room; flowers, cards, letters, pictures.
Had he read any of these yet?
What was his reaction when he first woke up...why did all this have to happen so suddenly?
His life was finally looking better...the storm had finally disappeared...but it had to feature didn't it?
Not only that, but the impact was more severe.

'Jungkook' Jin's voice softly called out 'it's getting should return back home'.
Jin've also suffered haven't you?
While I was out getting into fights, were here mourning...with no one next to you.
Unlike've always been so alone haven't you?
You refuse to share your problem, you only think about us and not your self.
You protect us, reassure us that everything is under control...when it's not.
You sacrificed your time, your emotions, what's important to you...just for us...why?

I stood up and followed the older male outside.
'I suggest you go straight home now and sleep...and if you want to, come again tomorrow...please' Jin cracked a smile...not a happy smile...but a smile that reflected pain.
'So...' he began 'how are you?'
'Jin, right feelings aren't important as yours' I looked down, hiding the guilt in my eyes.
Jin let out a sad chuckle 'haha' he laughed 'your fucking kidding me right!' He croaked out.
'Jin...I didn't mean to offend you...I promise...I'd never-'
' you're growing up...aren't you?' He sighed
'Jin...what do you mean?' I questioned.
'Look at you' he shook his head ' Jimin...why exactly did you stop using words such as hyung and nonna,he?'
His eyes stared at mine, his emotions so clear...but I could only look away...I couldn't bring myself to look at him...
'Coward' he whispered 'telling my bulshit like how your feeling aren't important...avoiding me...Your mother...and Jimin, going out, smoking, going against your own rules!' He walked closer 'look at've become exactly like your biological father'

'DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!' I raised my voice as I punched Jin across his face.
Jin stumbled back, his nose bleeding, a smile on his face.
' Jin- I mean Hyung...I'm so..I' I looked down at my trembling hands...what did I just do...?
'I'm so sorry' I whispered.
'Go home kid and stop blaming yourself'

And with that...he was gone.

I gulped...hard.
I shoved my hands inside my pockets as I walked away.
Tears threatening to escape my eyes..

' kid...hue? ' I mumbled under my breath...

Yeah, that's right...I'm just a kid.

A kid who trying to act older than his age...

Just a kid

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