
278 19 16

Jungkook pov

The sky was greyer than Jin's hair when he doesn't dye it (lol). The clouds were crying.

I took a long drag and exhaled the smoke.
Ah that felt good...the feeling of the mixed dangerous chemicals traveling through my neck to my lungs, how relaxing.
It's been a month a long ass month since Jimin fell...throughout this month; instead of being a brave man and helping Jin with Jimin and helping my family, I've done nothing but the opposite.

I've become a person I told myself I'd never be.

I've become a person who Jimin would look down on.

Fucking hell, I myself can't even look at myself anymore.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath, I had ran out of ciggies and my pills...perfect.
I looked to my left, a small store, they should have ciggies for sure.
I lowered my head and put my hood over my head as I walked in the store.
There was only the owner and a man in there.
I walked to the chaser "do you have any marble Back?" I questioned in a deep voice.
"Sir do you have your I'D?" The female questioned.


I looked around the store...great, this is just perfect.
"" I passed her my fake I'D.
Please work.
The female stated at the id with a 'really' face before glaring at me.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" She questioned. caught.
"Sir, this is fake ass ID, faker than yo deep ass wanna be voice" she clicked her finger "sir I'm afraid I'm going to have to call the polic-"

"NO!" I cut her off

My heart was pounding...if she calls the police...It'll be over for me.
Imagine what Jin would say...and Jimin when he wakes up.
Oh my goodness.
What have I gotten myself into...dear lord.
"Unless you give me a good ass reason, I'm finna get yo ass in jail pretty boi"

"Excuse me?"
It was the man from before.
"Sorry that's my brother" he lied "sorry I dared him to do that...right bro?" He smiled at me.
I quickly began to nod my head "y-yeah sorry!" I forced on a smile.
The man then stepped infront of me and pulled out his bank card.
"Sorry,  here I'll pay"
The women passed him the smoke before glaring at us.
"Don't go around doing shit like that again"

We both bowed before exiting the store.

As soon as we were out, I quickly apolized and thanked the stranger.
"U-uhm thank you very much for saving me"
The man smiled as he passed the ciggies to me.
"No problem" he smiled once more.
"So" he began "why is a young boy like yourself smoking?"
I chucked "personal problems..."
"I see"
"I feel relaxed when I take these, I know it bad" I told "but I just can't help it, I have so many things in's hard"

The man nodded "there are ways other talking to someone instead of keeping it all inside" he poked my chest.
"I know I'm a stranger, but if you want, you change tell me"
I smiled "It's really nice of you...but I just don't feel like it"

The male patted my head before handing me a card "if you need any help, my number is here, well see you around kid" he waved before running towards a car.

I looked down at the card he had given me.


No: 01201873


I neatly folded the card and stuffed it inside my pocket, something told me I was going to need this man's help.
I then turned on my phone to check any messages.
I first checked Jins hyung.

Jin: he's awake

Jin: Jimins a wake Jungkook

Jin: hurry up!!!

As soon as I saw his texts, I broke into a run.
I didn't care if it was pouring fucking dicks, Jimin was awake...he was finally awake.
My heart pounding
My feet thinking on its own, the cold wind against my wet face.

This feeling

It's all to familiar....way to familiar.

After all...

This isn't the first time Jimins almost died

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