a change of attitude

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Before you read this chapter please go read the previous ending of the previous  chapter cold war that I RE wrote or else this chapter won't make sense.

"Jimin, remember that your job is to be a good son and a perfect older brother, we have high expectations for you...don't fail us"

She had told him

They had told him

Everything mattered from looks to grades to attitude.

His job was to be the perfect succor.

That was his only role...his only reason from him to he alive.

"You are to have perfect punctuality, perfect grades,perfect body, you understand,right Jimin?"

Everything had to be perfect for his mother and father.
Everyday, all day, they pressured him, mentally, physically abused him.
Told him everything he did was wrong and that he would never success in life.

"Why did I even give birth to a useless son like you!"

They could say everyday

"Your a complete failure, even your younger brothers and sisters can do better than you, why can't you just be like the rest of your siblings?"

His mother was always screaming....judging him and his father was always in that room of his, drinking, sleeping with the maids behind mothers back.
He saw it with his own bare eyes,their naked body's joined together like magnets and the disgusting sound coming out of the maids mouth.

And when he told his mother....

"Shut your mouth you rat"

She slapped him, told him that one of the reasons he was a failure was because he lied...because he made up stories.

"How dare you speak such things about your own father!"

His sibling laughed...his father looked away in guilt.
And that day he realised that it wasn't love and affection he held for his family, it was nothing but pure hatred.

He who had never even felt the love of his own family didn't even know what affection was.
He only knew that the world outside was a dangerous place and that there was no beauty and pleasure within.
But one thing he knew for sure was that the outside world was better than the world he was caged in.

He wanted to run away .

It was then he decided he was going to earn the money he needed inorder to escape the place.
So he did what he was good at, art.
He painted masterpiece and sold them, the price of his work was as expensive as millions of dollars/pounds.

But the crowed seemed to love it and soon enough he was a millionaire .
And that's when he decided he was ready to be independent.
At the age of 15 he wanted to escape.

At the age of 15 his family fell, his mother was sick, his father an alcoholic, his siblings no job no money.
Through out the years he was diagnosed with sleep paralysis, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't rest .

So he decided leave.
And that's when his selfish mother began to for once act like a true mother.

"Please,don't leave your own mother like this, I beg of you my son,don't go"

How pitiful and desperate she looked, skinny and pale.
He couldn't even look at her.
With pure disgust he pointed at her face, "you...you're not my mother" tears were the respond towards his hurtful comment.
"You never have loved me " he chuckled.

"Please just forget about me"

Was his last word before he walked out of the house that he couldn't call his own.

It's been 3 years already.
But still he couldn't forget the pain he had to go through.
The scares of his mother's beating still reminded, reminding him of his painful past.

His mental health and sleep paralysis only for worst, his mind would be fully away at the worth time of the night, and there he could see the sellout of his mother, cursing and screaming at him.

Sleep was something the young boy barely got.
In fact sleep was probably the worst thing in the world for him.
The nightmares...the constant mockery .

How jealous he was of your life...

How be wished he also knew what true love ment....

"Good morning" greeted the teacher as Jimin walked inside the noisy class room.
The class room was now relocated to the third floor because of yesterday's incident.
The windows were probably going to take a long time to fix and paying for the broken digital board was going to he a hassle for sure.

As soon as Jimin walked in, the class fell into silence.
No one spoke a word, but only stared as Jimin walked to his seat ( next to Namjoon).
People moved their bags as he walked past, obviously scared of the boy.
As Jimin took his seat you glared at him.
"How are y-" before you could finish Jimin slammed his book on the table "shut your fucking mouth" he spoke.

He was tired...he didn't sleep at all...it's been 3 nights now.
He wasn't in the mood today to play around with you.
He just wanted piece and quiet.

"Alright class, please turn to chapter 43 " Jimin did as the teacher had asked, but his attention was else where.
Be gazed outside the glass windows and for one thought about his family...and how they might be doing.
Was his mother still even alive, did he father finally gave up on drinking and cheating, he wondered what his youngest sibling looked like and what he was up to?

There were time he wished thing had changed...and that he was still living in that house with his family, all happy and smiling.
He some what misses eating together in a big table.

He sometimes missed that place.

"Alright Jimin since you think that it's OK to just sorry drift of during my lessons, can you start reading from the second paragraph?"
The teacher hissed.
Jimin sighed "I'll pass"
"Excuse me?"
"I said I'll pass, what are you, fucking deft?" Jimin kicked his table.

The teacher shut his book and slammed it down.
"Get out now" he screamed.
Jimin only shrugged his shoulders before standing up.
"Irritating" you rolled your eyes.

This ended up pushing Jimin's buttons , he grabbed his book and threw it directly at you but no to the point where hit you.
Shocked,you ended up screaming.
"Are you crazy!"

Jimin only yelled back " just shut your fucking mouth !"
Everytime he looked at you, he couldn't help but think about his mother.
Maybe that's why he treated you so badly...because he couldn't physically hurt his mother, so he just hurt you...think that she was you...

Oh how much he hated himself for hating you....

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