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"Where exactly are you taking me?"
At the current moment you were being dragged to god know where by Namjoon.
Right after school he said there was an emergency and I was needed straight away.
He didn't tell me what was the emergency and why I was evolved, however, it seemed quite serious.
"We're almost there, just a few more steps" he gripped my hand tighter.
"What's happening!" I raised my voice.
"It's an emergency!" He shouted back "so just follow me without complaining"
I decided to shut my mouth as I realised that he was never going to give me the answer I wanted.

The sun was blazing down, I could feel sweat form on be face and the fact that we were running made the heat more unsustainable.
Right now I just wanted to sit down and have a nice cold, fresh ice cream.
"Slow down" I groaned as I pulled his arm.
But once again he kept on running without response.
"Namjoon, can we at least just walk?" I hissed as I stopped moving.
He looked at me, his hair a bit wet with his sweat and his chest rising up and down due to us running all the way here.
"Fine, but walk quickly" he let out a sigh while relishing his my arm his tight grip.
"Thank you" I giggled.

Once again I tried to ask him a few questions regarding where he was taking me and why I was even involved, but yet again, no answers.

"So you gonna tell me where we going?"

"You'll find out"

"...why exactly am I involved?"



I let out a sight.
I was feeling very annoyed, obviously, who wouldn't?
"Namjoon you're seriously getting on my fucking nerves" I spat at him as I pulled his so that he was facing me.
"Just tell me where we are fucking going at least!" I frowned.
"The hospital" he mumbled.
I raised my eyebrows "what for?"
There was a long pause of silence, he looked around and scratched his neck before finally answering my fucking question.

"It's Jimin..."
"Ugh" I rolled my eyes, I thought that he would never get in between my life again, but shit happens!
"Why am I needed!" I flicked my wrist.
Namjoon shrugged
"I don't fucking know, the doctor just asked me to bring you to him"
I yet again let out another sigh.
I already knew which doctor he was talking about, the only doctor that was close to Jimin who knew me was Jin, but what would he call me out of all people despite knowing mine and Jimins past?
Oh why is life so confusing?

Once again the two of us walked in pure silence, which felt very odd.
Usually Namjoon always has something to say, even if it's the most irrelevant thing in the world.
His usual bubbly mood had dissapeared, he held an serious expression instead.

"What's wrong with Jimin?" I questioned.
I should at least know what exactly was wrong with that midget, of all I know, he could've just black mailed Namjoon to do all this.
"He...I don't know" I rolled my eyes "you don't know?"
"Well I do, I was there" he shrugged "so you do know?"
"Yeah, I guess" he spoke "well?"
"He had some kind of a panic attack, he was acting like someone was trying the kill him or something..."
I looked at the male infront of me with a confused expression, why would Jimin have a panic attack?
"What happened?"
"I don't know, I just came in and there he was on the floor...screaming while Jin tried to calm him down"
I nodded my head slowly "right..."

Soon enough, we arrived to the hospital.
The tall while that was owned by the Min family stood tall, it looked more like a bloody palace than a castle...
We were greeted by two nicely dressed Nurses, hair tightly tied back,  not a speck of beauty product on their flawless face, a smile on their face. They were like 2 gorgeous dolls being displayed for their beauty only. A real shame.

"Ladies first" Namjoon smiled as the elevator door opened.
I smiled back before stepping into the lift, there was mirrors all around us fuck the hospital is extra to the point that they have fucking flowers and painting in side the bloody elevator, like the fuck?

"What happened between and you and Jimin exactly?"
"Excuse me?" I looked at Namjoon dumbfounded, I had never expected to be asked such a question.
I have never been open about my past with Park Jimin, for it is something I seriously just want to forget.
"Well...uh...we were dating and stuff happened" I coughed.
Namjoon nodded his head.

"We're here" he smiled as he once again let me go first.
I stepped out of the elevator to a long ass hallway with nurses and doctored running, walking,talking on their phones, patients here and there, a crying son with his father...God.
"Sure is busy hue" I mumbled.
"Excuse me are you Mr Kim and Miss (l/n)?" A nurse with beautiful honey coloured skin, beautiful hazel eyes and plump lips approached us.
"Yes that's us" I smiled.
The nurse returned the kind gesture "Please follow me"
We did as she instructed, she led us to a different elevator, this time with a scanner that she scanned a golden card in, opening the elevator door.
She gestured for us to step in.
"Dr Jin will be waiting for you in his office" she bowed.
After a few seconds, the elevator stopped and a computer generated voice spoke "welcome to the top floor".
Namjoon and I stepped out to be welcomed by another hallway, but the walls were not your normal white and the floor was not tiled.

The walls were painted a deep green and the floor was red carpet, there were several paintings and pictures with labels on the walls, the doors all had numbers and you would here people mumbling, which was more scary was that the hallway was completly empty.

"(Y/n)?" A voice all to familiar spoke behind me...

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