
286 23 12

Namjoon pov

I've been avoiding alot of responsibilities now a days, I've been avoiding friends.
I need time.
Time for me to reflect on my self and my life, right now I'm on a journey.
A long ass journey and I'm almost at the end, however, for me to finally reach the end, I need to face my worst fears.

Then can I only open the door finally be freed.



Inhaled deeply and released the air inside 3 times before reaching out my trembling hand and gently knocking on the red wooden door to the small  house.
It's from garden decorated with various plants and statues, it's walls coloured a warm beige and the detailed crafting in deep red.
The house itself reminded me a lot of her when she was young.
Maybe she's forgotten about me?
Perhaps she doesn't want to even face me?

But I need answers.

Answers to the questions that have left me restless for as long as I've last saw her.
The rest of my teenage life and earliest twenties left with confusen and the feeling of being unwanted.
It was all going to change today.

After a few seconds, the door finally opened.
And infront of me stood the women who I thought I could never see ever again.


"Hello...'mother' "

The women who had sold me off 10 years ago, was now I front of me.

"W-what are you...w-why...aren't you..." she ran her finger though her now almost grey hair and scratched her pale skin that had become wrinkly and dry.
"Can I come in?" I questioned as I stepped forward.
She quickly stepped back and nodded her head only.
"Thank you and excuse me for the sudden Intruption" I bowed my head before walking inside the surprisingly welcoming house.

The brown walls were decorated with several photos, both coloured and back and white, the floor was nicely carpeted, the living room was beautifully decorated, a father clock a record player, a
deep orange sofa, green was exactly the same as out living room 10 years ago.

"Please take a seat" she said as she rushed off the a room that was beside the living room, which from the various sound of pots cooking and the gentle sound of kettle boiling, was the kitchen.
I took a seat on the sofa facing the grandfather clock and the few photographs.

As I looked closer towards the second photo I realised that it was a picture of me when I was just 6 years old, hair slicked back, a smile on my face holding my mother's house.
An unexplainable feeling arose inside my stomach.
I couldn't point out what it was exactly but I knew I felt a small sense of joy knowing she still somewhat didn't try to forget me.

"Sorry for the wait" she said as she placed a antique cup filled with a warm caramel like liquid and a trey of fresh cooked cookies infront of me.
"Help yourself" she smiled.
"T-thank you" I bowed.
I lifted up the cup in front of my face and blew the hot beverage a few times before taking a sip.
As soon as the sweet liquid embraced my taste buds ever so softly, memories of when I was a small child came rushing past me.

"This Is?"
"Melted toffee mixed throughly with sweetened milk and honey...your favourite when you were a small child" she smiled before taking a bite out of the crunchy almond cookie.
"I'm sorry " she whispered as she reached out for my hands and squeezed them.
"It's all my fault" she continued "I'm sorry...I was tricked" .

"What do you tricked?" I questioned her.
She sat up stright, ran her fingers through her hair and said
"It's a long story...but it's time you hear this"


Your father, before he passed away had a very big debt to pay to a dangerous criminal group that he got into an argument with when partnering up with them for work.
As you know, your father wasn't that fond of you and fact, I'm pretty sure he despised even looking at us.
Later on, he got very sick and couldn't work any more and then he died.
Leaving me with the trouble of having to pay off the debt that I didn't even know a single thing about.

Later on, when I found out the group it was I knew we were no longer safe.
They threatened me...said they could take you away from me and that's exactly what happened.

They ordered one of their female workers to become close with me and trick me by telling me to send you away to a farm her brother owned, she told me you could be taken good care there so I did...I decided to send you there.

I was relieved knowing you were no longer in danger...but later on found out you were taken somewhere else and that half the debt had been paid thanks to the work they forced up on you.
I'm guessing they also lied to you and said I sold you off...but i didn't...nor would I ever do that to you.

I finally managed to pay all the money and went looking for you, but it was to late, they told me you had managed to escape and although I had looked for you everywhere I possibly could...I couldn't find you.

Back to Nj

I looked at her.
Not know what to say at all.

All along, I was blaming her for everything when she only wanted to save me.
All along I though my own mother had betrayed me.
But now I know the truth.

A heavy weight has finally been removed off of my chest.
I no longer ma confused.
Now that I know the truth...I feel loved, I feel wanted.

I took her trembling hands in mind and pressed my forehead on hers.

"I believe you" I smiled tears dropping down.

And for that whole evening, the two of us sat together, crying on each others shoulder and rejoicing.

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