Jimin ?

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Those were the only things Jimin wanted.
He had payed a visit to his personal doctor today, he was told that his mental state getting worst.
He was told that he should take it all easy and rest from both school and work.

Today to, his doctor had invited him over for a double checkup.
Oh the life of an young mentally disabled adult wasn't as easy...
Going to collage and managing his work/financial life independently without the concern of friends and family wasn't easy at all.
At times how much he wished he lived a normal life.

The male let put an exhausted yawn as he lay down on the solid floor.
The rooftop was his favorite place, it was quite, no one ever disturbed him while he was there.
A perfect location.

As he was drifting off to dream land, the heavy sound of foot steps and the sound of a person sitting down next to him, awoke the boy.
Jimin moved his tired eyes to see who the stranger was only to be shocked to see Namjoon.
He wanted to jump up right away and get all defensive, however, he didn't have the energy or will to do so.

Namjoon waved at the younger male "yo".
Jimin closed his eyes once again to shield his pupils from the sudden sunlight.
"Can I help?" He yawned.
"Tired?" Namjoon asked as he looked through his bag.
Jimin sighed "no Shit Sherlock"
Namjoon only chucked as he placed a cold drink on top of the others head.
"Drink" he smiled "it'll wake you up"

Jimin looked up at Namjoon, the cold beverage still balancing perfectly on his big ass forehead.
He was utterly confused.
"What?" He quickly blurred out causing the older to laugh.
"Just Drink it"

Jimin, still confused did as the older had told him to.
He twisted open the cap and chugged down the liquid.
"Damn, that was good" he commented.
Namjoon chucked in respond as he also lay down next to the other .

The two stayed there for a while, a surprising  comfortable silence surrounding them.
The two watched as the clouds passed by the blue sky.
Both spoke no words, the sun shining bright.
Both not concerned about what time it was or what lesson they were supposed to be in.

The tranquility was soon broken.
"Where's (y/n)?" Jimin questioned as he pushed himself up.
Namjoon shrugged "she went home, felt sick or something"

Once again there was silence.
Jimin stated at the male with a still confused look before looking away.
"Guess you forgot about me" Namjoon yawned.
Jimin narrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Excuse me?"
"We've met before Park Jimin, you've probably forgotten already, it was long ago"
"We met before?" Jimin questioned.
"It was during that art exhibition you held, it was about 2 years ago, your art sold quit sufficiently " the older replied.

Jimin nodded his head "there was quit the crowd there, I probably did meet you...but I've forgotten "
Namjoon ask pushed himself up but stood up.
"Yeah "
He picked up his bag and helped Jimin up on his feet without warning, surprising the younger.
"It's already three nine we should start to head home"
And with that he walked off, leaving behind a very confused Jimin standing there.

Why was he being so nice?

They met before?

Jimin scratched his confused head, some many questions were swimming through his brain, wasn't Namjoon suppose to hate him? He decided to shaken the thoughts away, it's not like the two weren't going to go back to the usual cold War attitude again.
He then remembered that Namjoon said something like you were sick, he might have pissed you off, but still...he knew his feelings that were never going to be returned remained the same.

He still loved you

But he had to move on now, no matter how hard, you didn't want him...and he had to understand to accept that somehow...

Before deciding to pay his personal doctor a visit, he decided to buy some fresh Kimchi and rice cake for you.
Thankfully it was your mum who had opened the door and not you, when she saw him she smiled.
It had been a long time since he last saw her smile...
"oh Jiminy what a surprise!! "
Jimin smiled "I'm a bit old for Jiminy now emoni " your mother only laughed as she embraced the boy who she hadn't seen for a while.
"come inside" she insisted but Jimin obviously declined "no, I actually need to get going, here" he handed her the food.
"thank you very much Jiminy"

Jimin bowed before returning back to his car to continue his journey to his doctor.
The trip wasn't that long and before even 10 minutes, Jimin was already outside the door to his doctor's office.
He knocked twice.
"yes " he heard the male sigh.
Jimin grinned as he walked in "another busy day, Jin? "

Jin was actually one of Jimin's best friends, he had know the older hyung ever since he was the age of 5, Jin had been his personal doctor ever since he had gotten the job, everytime Jimin wasn't feeling his best, Jin was always there to help him both as a doctor and a close best friend.
He had always made time for the younger one and was the only one who supported him during his dark times...

Jimin was very thankful.

"so, how have you been? " Jin questioned the younger name, his usual neat brown hair a complete mess, there was heavy bags under the doctor's eyes and his usually neat desk was at the same state as his hair...a mess.
"any progress any struggles? " The spoke while rubbing his eyes.
Jimin sighed, he felt bad or is friends "hyung you should honestly take a break" Jin only signed.
"your looking absolutely nakered " Jimin commented as he poured some tea but both him and Jin.

Jin got up from his seat and walked over to a drawer, he pulled out a file from the biggest drawer with he label Park.
Jin sat back down, his face now in serious mood...Jimin knew something was wrong...with the result of his check up from last week, and it scared him.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Jin signed "yes! ".
The wooden soon open wide open and in came someone Jimin didn't expect.


Namjoon to was shocked, he looked at Jimin confused as ever.
"oh hey" Jin gestured Namjoon to sit down next to jimin.
"ChimChim, this is on if my patients and friends, Namjoon-"
"no need for the introduction" Jimin chuckled "we're class mates"
"ah" Jin nodded his head.
Namjoon sat down with his leg crossed, a file in his hand, he was in a very casual yet stylish wear.
"tea? " Jimin gestured, Namjoon nodded his best "2 sugar please, thabks"

Jimin didn't know why he was being so nice towards someone who had embarrassed him, but it felt better this way, his being nice towards Namjoon, it was more relaxing knowing that the two of them could just get along with them own business without having the rivalry in between, but something inside him told him once they were back in school, it was going to go back to the normal everyday.

"Namjoon I was wondering if you could wait outside as Jimin's case is very confidential" before Namjoon was about walk off, Jimin waved his hand "no it's OK, he can stay, I don't quit mind"
Jin looked over at his friend very shocked, it wasn't like Jimin to let other know his business, but just shrugged it off thinking that they may be close friends.

Jimin wasn't quit sure why he said that, he felt like he could trust the guy.
"A-alright, if it's ok with you" Jin spoke.
Namjoon to was very confused.
He hadn't expected the younger to feel comfortable that quick around him.
Jin looked through the papers and let out a sigh "I'm really Namjoon,  but you're going to have to step outside, this case...its complicated "
Namjoon nodded his head before walking outside.

The atmosphere had a sudden change.
There was something horribly wrong...and Jin wasn't quit sure if Jimin was ready to here it.

"Jimin you suffer from memories loss and dissociative disorders"

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