🌻🌻sunflower prince🌻🌻

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The sunflower prince lay on his bed of flowers
His eyes shut closed
His lips pressed together
His body hugged a pink suit perfectly

Jimin pov

It was hard.
Watching people carry his casket down that ails.
Looking at his face without trying my best not to cry.
He looked so...beautiful.
His expression was peaceful...as if he had just survived an brutal earthquake and was relieved.

It was then that I realised, while looking down at his motionless body...how much he had probably done for me, although I can't remember, the feeling is there.

Just seeing his face triggers something within me.
Something that tell me: he's important.

And I didn't even get to express my love for him.

Everyone was there.
People who I had no memories of.
All crying

Jungkook couldn't even talk.

Namjoon had came with his mother.

(Y/n) with her family.

My parents and other siblings who I didn't even have a word with.

Dr.Min and his partner.

And a man who no one knew of.

He was tall, almost tall as Jungkook, he had smooth skin the same colour as Jin, his eyes a milky brown and brown hair.
He cane in with a bouquet in hand.

Without glancing at a single person, he walked up the ails and stopped once he was infront of Jin he then placed the flowers on top of his chest, leaned in and whispered.

'I'm sorry dear brother, when you needed me the most I wasn't here but I hope you know I much you meant to me...I love you, may your soul rest in peace'

He then walked to the front of the crowed church and took a seat right on the front seat.
Silent tears going down his pale face.

'Jimin' (y/n) whispered as she placed her hands on my shoulder 'the speech?'
'Right' I nodded my head before she pushed my wheelchair  up to the mic.

Before opening my lips to speak, I looked around the place.
Everyone was in tears.
I looked back at where Jin lay and down at my hands.



Look up

'Kim Seokjin...was...' I began
'He was a great man...the greatest man, infact...that I've known...we've all known. He is a man who gave up...everything...for us.
He hid everything...his pain...his struggles just so we...could not be burdened by him...and I-'

I had to stop and collect my self for a minute.
This wasn't easy...it wasn't easy at all.
Of course it wasn't easy...

'And I will be forever thankful towards him.
At the beginning...I always though of him as just a father figure, someone who was probably constantly there for  me..but now I've realised that...he truly is my father...the father I never had...but younger and much more sassier'

Small laughter echoed through the church.

'He'll never be forgotten...he'll always be with us, even if he ain't here.
He'll always be right here...' I smile while crying and pointing towards my chest.
'He'll always be here...'

Now for the most difficult part...

Jungkook, Dr.Min, Namjoon and the stranger who had whispered into Jins ear lifted up the casket and brought it to his resting place.
Everyone els silently followed behind us.
(Y/n) had her head hung low, hiding her tears.

Slowly, they pushed the casket in the long hole and took a step back and watched the brown dirt fill it up.

We all stood there...well I sat obviously sat...my hands balled into a tight fist.
Not knowing how to comfort each other knowing that a single wrong word could trigger us all at once.

One by one people began to leave.
Namjoon had to take his mother back home but before that, he went up to Dr.Mins partner and embraced the male who gladly returned the hug, (y/n) went back with her parents, Jungkooks and my mother and sibling bowed before leaving....leaving the three of us.




The stranger who had yet to introduce himself got to his knees and placed a single white rose on top of the fresh dirt.

'You two much be Jimin and Jungkook hue?'
He spoke looking down at the rose.
'He spoke about the two of you...a lot actually' he then stood up and turned to look at us with a soft smile.
'I'm...Taehyung, Kim Taehyung...his younger brother'
Jungkook stood by me, his fingers firmly wrapped around the top of my wheelchair.

'We...didn't know hyung even had a brother...or any family member alive' Jungkook spoke getting a small nod from the male.
'After our parents divorced, Jin and I ended up living with our aunt who late passed away...the two of us never got along great so soon...he decided to live separately from me...and we just never contacted each other from then on'

Taehyung sighed 'when I got his call...and few days ago...I was just so shocked...I wish I had treated him better...I just wish...'

'I think we all wished that...' I whispered loud enough for them to hear.
'And I'm sure he knew that...' Jungkook added.
'Probably...' Taehyung chuckled.

'Yeah...he knew...he does' I smiled.

The cool autumn breeze softly kissed our tears stained face.

The trees danced.

The clouds waved while hiding the sun.

The sunflowers lowered their heads.

They too knew that Jin....was gone...


Sorry from the really rushed and shit chapter.
Next chapter will be the one of the  last 😭

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