fall fall and fall 2

182 12 17

Jin pov

'There's something I need to tell you all'

The sentence slipped so carelessly.
I didn't really wanted for that to slowly out, not yet.

(Y/n) looked at me with confused eyes, she had matured up quit a bit hadn't she.
She'd gotten taller than before, her hair that she once let out in the open was tied up all the time, casual clothing, even the way she spoke.

'Oh, I'll go wake Jimin up then'

'No wait!' I pulled her back, once again, carelessly.
Her facial expressions softened as she placed her hand on top of mine, 'oppa, what's happening with you today?'.

Honestly I don't know myself.

'I don't thing your feelings very well, how about we discuss this somewhere else?'
God she's behind to somewhat sound like me now, all mature and confident.

It made me feel...relieved, knowing once I'm gone, at least she'll be there to help the boys.
Jimins in good hands.
He'll slowly but surely get over me with her around, I'm sure of it.

'No, it's alright' I smiled at her 'it's getting late, you could get going home and get some rest'
The female smiled back at me 'that my line Jin, you go get some sleep too' I let out a chuckle.
'See you tomorrow then' she waved before entering the elevator.

I let out a tired sigh while dragging myself to my office, it was only the afternoon but my eyes were telling my ass to sleep.

But there was just no way I would sleep.
I'm just to paranoid.
What if Jimin wakes up and just starts having a panic attack.
What if something goes wrong and I'm not there to help him once again.
Just what's if?

My thoughts were suddenly Intrupting by a knock on my door.
'Come in' I groaned.
My office slowly creaked opened reveling Jungkook, he had bags under his eyes which were red a puffy as if he had been crying for the past few hours.
I instantly jumped up from my comfy baby pink sofa and was by his side.

My hands traveled to his red face 'what's wrong?' I questioned as I shut the door behind him using my foot 'do you not feel good?'
Before I would utter another word, the younger male had his arms wrapped around me and his face buried in my chest.
He let out muffled sobs and word that I couldn't piece together.
'It ok' I whispered as I hugged the male back.
'It's ok Kooki, it ok'

The younger then pulled away, tears still dripping down his perfect skin, his nose runny like a small childs.

'Why?' He coughed out 'why do you do this to yourself hyung?' Once again his arms were around me and his face on my chest.
'Kooki, honey your making no sense' I whispered while sitting him down.
'First calm down and the-'
The male yelled as he pushed me down, he hovered on top of me his years now dripping down to my face, his arms had a strong grip on my shoulder making it hard to escape from his grips.
'Jungkook what in earth are you doing?'
The male only shook his head.

'Why didn't you tell us sooner?'

'Tell you what?'

'That your sick hyung!'
His world's stabbed me like a bitch.
His the hell did he even find out?
I made sure to throw the evidence in the bin as soon as possible...so how?
My could feel my face go cold and my heart begin to beat faster that it ever had.
Fucking hell.
This wasn't how I wanted for this to go...so why?

'Why hyung?' He cried once more.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't look at him in the eyes, I could only turn my head and just hear him cry out in frustration.

'You lie everyday, not to us but to yourself because you want us to be happy,  you want us to be satisfied and protected and I bet you...you've been working yourself extra hard haven't you...so that we can smile but it's not working is it hyung, that's because...because your not happy hyung. How the hell do you expect for us to be happy when your not, you never ask for help...you always hide your scars by layering a thick paint on top of it, but you what...that paint is drying and it's cracking...please don't repaint that...be selfish for once, ask us and be demand for once,  let out your feeling for once, your just as important or perhaps more important than any of us hyung, so please, it's ok to be selfish...it ok to be human'

His words were like a warm blanket covering my cold body during a winters night.
His tears were like the bright stars shining bright.
His emotions that he scremed out was like a fresh cool breeze during a hot summer morning.

I reached my hands and wiped the tears away from his eyes before pulling him into a deep embrace.
The two of us stayed in the position for as long as we could.
I didn't want to let go.
Because if I let go now, everything could break.
That warm blanket will dissapeared into think air and that cool breeze will end shortly.
But I did.
Because that's just how life works.

Everything comes to an end at some point.

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