The start of a sad story

183 14 2

Jin pov

Slowly, I fluttered my eyes open.
The morning sunlight that shon through my curtains greeted me and the soft whistling of the kettle boiling echoed through my ears.
I lifted myself with the support of my elbow and looked around my office.

Jungkook was no longer on top of me crying like a small child, instead there was a warm blanket including his coat.

I sighed before laying back down, my thoughts wandered off to yesterday night, Jungkook crying, reassuring me with his  sweet words.
His words were warm, they made me feel like a child who was being loved deeply by his older brother, a feeling I haven't had the chance to feel that way for a long time.

I turned to look at my clock: 09:30.
I don't think I've ever slept for that long for the past 5 years, I've ways woken up around 5 or pulled an all-nighter, there hadn't been a day I've slept in or take a break.
But today was different.

My thoughts was shortly disturbed by the door opening and closing behind me and the sound of footsteps.
Once again I pushed myself up but into a sitting position thing time, I turned to see Jungkook sitting down on my chair.
His head hung low and his fingers were intertwined tightly together.
He must be in some deep shit.

'Jungkook?' I called out catching the boys attention.
He lifted his head up and untangled his fingers before standing up as if he'd just been called out in the middle of class.
'Hyung your awake' he smiled while walking to where two cups of coffee sat.

I removed the blanket off of my body and pushed myself onto my feet.
As I tried to take a step forward, my legs went completly numb resulting me to fall back down on the sofa with a loud thud.
Jungkook looked back at me 'hyung?'
I looked up at the boy feeling shocked 'O-oh,  sorry'
Once again I pushed myself up but this time I wasn't even able to stand for a second due to a sharp pain rushing through my back,  I just fell again.

'Wait...h-hold on' I let out a nervious chuckle before trying to get myself on my feet again.
But once again...I just fell back.
I looked down at my legs...I can move those, my arms's just my back.
'Come on' I grumbled before pushing myself back.
This time a completly unimaginable pain ran though my back.
I let out a sharp scream before falling on the floor.

Jungkook dropped the two cups he had in the counter causing the to break and spill all the hot beverage and rushed to my side.
'Hyung what's wrong?'
His face twisted into a worried form, he looked so scared...he looked just like he did back when Jimin  and I first found him...
'Jin Hyung?'
As I opened my lips to utter even a world, the pain was there again.
I could only shake my head as a respond.

'Hold on all go get help!' Jungkook exclaimed before rushing out of the room.

As I lay there in pain so bad that even Satan would probably cry, someone els rushed inside.
'Jin Hyung!'

My heart dropped.
Not Jimin
He can't find out about this

Not now

The male jumped out of his wheelchair and was  on his knees holding my hand.
'Hold on, Jungkook is getting help, starting with me please!' He cried out tears rolling down his sleepless face.
'Jin Hyung please' he croaked out.

And that was the last thing I saw before everything fell.

Before the storm came and hit me hard.

Harder than I had expected for it to.

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