'Kid' -unedited-

201 15 9

Jimin pov

'Irrelevant!' I snapped at Jin who only sighed in irritation.
He slammed his book shut and glared at me only irritating me more.
How could I just agree with him and sat my own brother, my family, is some irrelevant kid?
I then threw the covers off my body and jumped off the warm bed and hopped onto my wheelchair. 'I need some air'i mumbled before rushing out of the room not even know my way around the maze.

Behind me I could hear Jin let out another sigh.
'Irrelevant' I grumbled before walking off to where ever.


One Jimin had left the room, I buried my tired eyes into my shaking hands and let out a heavy sigh.
What was I supposed to do next?
Why did life have to take such a harsh turn?
Just when everything was finally beginning to settle down.

I knew I should've stopped Jimin from walking off, however, right now he needed time alone to proses everything happening around him.
After a few seconds of just drifting off, I got up into my feet and walked to my office where Suga was quietly reading through a thick file.

He closed the file and set it down while I slumped down next to him.
'So' he began 'how'd it go?'
'I didn't tell them' I mumbled.
Suga looked at me with a disappointed face, the type of look your parents gave you when they told you to apologise to your siblings but you refuse.

He lightly shook his head 'you need to tell them soon, both Jimin and Jungkook'
I didn't replay for a while, my heart feeling heavy.
'I...I know Yoongi...but it's just...' I couldn't find the words.
Deep inside I knew my truth was going to be revealed soon and that honestly scared me.
Ever since I found out...I've been dreading my life every single day to the moment when I wake up and to the lonely moment when I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

My friend gently patted my back, 'Jin I know it difficult for you...knowing you'll have to...' he stopped talking, his voice cracked, he too didn't want to admit it either.
The harsh truth of reality.

'Jin...y-you need to tell them...please' I turned and was awfully surprised to see the usual poker faced and cold man softly crying, his head hung low, his long black hair covering his wet eyes.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and embraced him tightly.
His small face now buried into my hard chest.

'I'm fine Yoongi' I chuckled 'before I go...I need to fix those 4, I need to make sure Jimin remembers, I want to see Kookie smile again and I want to see Namjoon happy with his mother and I need to see (y/n) holding hands with Jimin...' I pull away from the male and gently pinched his tear stained cheek.
'And I need to see you finally get married to your boyfriend'

Suga whipped his runny nose before cracking out 'and you?'
I looked at him confused 'we're all happy here but what about you?'
I gave him a soft smile 'no matter what, I'll be happy and if the day I'm gone, check if I'm smiling or not...because if I am, that means I've had absolutely no regrets'

'Not even one?'

'No, not even one Yoongi...not even one'

Jungkook pov

I stood outside Jins office door, tears dripping down my face.
Yes I was listening to their little one on one talk and god do I regret it.
Jin was going to go?
But go where?
Was he just giving to leave us once he solves all our problems?
And why has he kept all this to himself?
Why Jin Hyung...why?

God knows why

I quickly wiped the tears away before walking away from the office door to Jimin room.
When I stepped inside, I was surprised to see that the room was empty.
All the flowers had disappeared and where was Jimin Hyung?

I looked down at my watch, I had to head to meet someone soon.
I gently placed the new flowers down on the messy bed and a box filled with sweet tread before walking out of the room.
As I walked past Jins office, I realised the door was wide open and there was absolutely no one inside.

I looked around my surroundings and quickly walked in the office and closed the door behind me.
I knew this was wrong, but I was curious, worried.
Where was Jin going and for how long?
I quickly began to search through his drawers and book shelf, looking though all his princess pink diaries and random classical books.
'Where...where'i mumbled as I turned on his pink laptop.
'No' I said as I quickly closed it 'this is wrong'

As I was about to leave the room, my eyes spotted a scrunched piece of paper laying down on the floor.
Odd, it wasn't like for Hyung to just lever rubbish laying around randomly like that.
I frowned while bending own and picking up the paper.
'What's it even about' I spoke as I unfolded the power.
I then brought it close to my face and red each world very carefully.

My heart stopped

My stomach tightened

I reread the paper for the fourth time, the informs remain the same...


This can't be real

Please let this all be just a bad dream

Please dear lord please

The door suddenly opened and I quickly shoved the paper inside my pocket.

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