Fall and fall (1)

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'Let's just breakup'

His words hit you hard, a bit to hard.
There the two of you stood on top of the empty roof, the wind blowing your hair and his long over sized white shirt.

'It's for the best'

How this happened was absolutely unexpected.

56 hrs ago

'Good morning' you mother smiled as she placed a plate of food on top of the wooden table.
'Plan on going anywhere today?'
'I'm visiting Jimin today'
You mother only nodded as she carried on doing whatever.

It had been 2 days since the two of you last met, you had been to busy with collage and had no time in your hand.
Things were harder now, much more harder than it once was.

It only seemed like yesterday when you were still young and happy.
But ever since that day,ever since that incident...things have changed.
You have changed, the way you see those around you and the way you see yourself has completely changed.
You were no longer the young dumb girl next door who liked sneaking out during night anymore, you were a grown women.
A grower women with a much more mature mind and sensitive mind.

'Bye mama' you called before exiting your house.
The hospital was only 15 minutes away so you decided to go by foot instead of wasting money that could be saved up for the future on the bus or taxi.
You connected your earphone to your phone and began to get absorbed my the music blasting through the accessorise.

You walked by shops advertising beautiful women with perfect body obviously gained through cash and not hard work and exercise.
You walked past young teenagers blabbing about things they though were cool.
You walked past old people who knew everything there was to know about life.
You walked past emotions.

The world was much more dull now.
You no longer had the eyes of a young girl who saw beauty in all, you now had the eyes of an adult who could look past the fake layers of the world.

And it truly was a disgusting world you lived in.

'Who are you here to see?'
The nurse smiled a fake smile as she opened her book.
'Park Jimin'
The nurse nodded gesturing you to go.

You stepped insides the elevator and pressed the number of the floor.
You absolutely hated taking the elevator, the though of something going wrong and you being crushed made you cringe in fear

The elevator stopped and the door opened.
'Finally' you sighed as you rushed out.
You looked around the place; it was empty as always.
Not a single person waking around, most of the doors were locked or had don't not enter written in pink...not red but pink.
After all the only Patient held on the floor was Jimin.

As you began to walk towards your lovers room, you were shocked to see Jungkook sitting down on one of the benches with his hands covering his face.
The younger male quickly jerked up as you walked towards him.
'Ah, nonna' he sighed 'here to visit Jimin Hyung?'
You smiled at the younger 'yeah, is he in?'
Jungkook nodded his head 'he should be awake'

You reached your hands out and pushed the door open to revel Jimin reading a small yet thick book.
You turned around to call Jungkook in but was surprised to see no one besides you.
Odd, where had he run off to?
'Oh, hey (y/n)'  Jimin smiled while putting his book down.
'Hey' you sat down on the chair next to his bed.
'Where's Jungkook?' Jimin questioned 'I swear I heard his a few seconds ago'
You turned and looked at the male with a shocked face.
'You remembered...him?'
'Not really' Jimin chuckled 'I only remember that he's my brother, but that's about it'

'I see' you nodded your head.
There was a slight feeling of envy forming inside your stomach, you wished Jimin also remembered you as well.
'Have you seen Jin?' The male asked while leaning back and closing his eye lids.
'No, why do you ask?'
The male paused 'he just..he didn't come to check on me today, a shorter doctors did'
'He's probably just busy' you reassured the male.

'Yeah...just busy'

Hours had passed by and Jimin was now sound asleep. It made you feel warm inside knowing that he was doing well, but for some odd reason, every time the two of you talked, he constantly avoided your eyes and any romantic moments.
How odd.

You slowly and carefully closed the door behind you. It was 6 in the afternoon, you had better start to make your way back home before it got to dark.
Just as you were about to start making your way to the elevator, you were suddenly stopped my Jins voice.

'(Y/n), wait'
'Oh hey Jin' you waved.
The male only gave you a small nod, his looked like he just came back from the dead.
'Wake Jimin up'
'But he-'

'There's something I need to tell you all'

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