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I remember it so well.
The day I met Park jimin,  the son of Park Choi
He was as everyone had described him, a young boy who acted very mature and responsible for his age, the way he stood, his body posture, it was all so perfect that it all almost seemed unreal.
Even his killer looks.
He though very carefully about the choice of words he used when talking to people, every sentence a work of art.
He was the son every parent would wish for.
That perfect student, a kind brother...

But he wasn't appreciated at all.

It was to obvious, the way he talked and looked at his family, his gaze didn't speak love or care, there was no emotions...
He had suffered.
And he wanted it to end.

I fell in love with his work at first glance, the beautiful masterpiece that the young male had created had so many messages that couldn't be understood, every stroke of paint held so many emotions.
You could tell that he put all his effort on every creation.
And that's probably why I was so interested in him.

He was a man who had mastered the arts of sustaining pain and sorrow by making gold out of them.

He's changed now...
The once mature boy was now a grown man who had no control over his own mind...he was doing much more worst than before...

His mind was clouded with thoughts that not a single human being could be able to understand even if he exposed it in the most detailed way possible.
It was easy to see.
How he couldn't control his he wanted to make her much he loved confused he was...he didn't know how to make her happy...nor did he know...what he had done to her...

But she was in love with me...

Yet I hold no emotions for her.
How I wish she noticed the pain he is also going I wish she noticed all the effort he was trying to use...
But the poor man...
He never was really appreciated...
He didn't even know the warmth of his own mother's love...he grew up so lonely, he didn't know how he was suppose to share nor did he know how he was suppose to love...

And she, who is still so clueless, who thinks he's the only one being selfish doesn't seem to notice the we all, the three of us are more selfish than we think we are.
We only think of ourselves...
And honestly...
It's normal

Because we're only human



"Namjoon!! " Jin screamed as he kicked open the door.
Shocked I jumped up and ran to where he was trying to calm down a screaming and crying Jimin.
My mind went blank at the scene.
What was happening?
"quickly! " Jin instructed as he pinned Jimin's hands down "grab his legs!! "

I did as the doctor had requested, but it wasn't that easy.
Jimin constantly twisted and turned his body and kicked his legs, he desperately tried to pull away from us.
He looked so frightened, he looked like an animal that was being forced down by two hunters.
There was sweat running down his face, his once perfectly tied tie was on the floor, soon I realised now messy the room was...
The once neat documents were scattered on the floor, the plant that was on the corner of the room was destroyed, the soil everywhere.

What the actual fuck happened!

"Jimin " Jin began with a shaken voice "I need for you to calm down, take deep breathe" but no matter what the Doctor said, Jimin wasn't calming down at all, instead he began to scream more.
"let me go!! " his pulling got stronger
"please!! " he protested.
I looked at Jin, there was a bleeding scratch down his cheeks...did Jimin do that to him?
"I never asked for this!! " Jimin cried out as he gripped Jin's hands that were holding him down.
"I never asked for this life!!! " he screamed once more as he reached if Jin's collar.
"Just kill me!!! "

My heart sank.
Why would he wish of such things?
Just how much was he suffering exactly.

But Jimin could make any other actiond, Jin quickly pulled own an injection from his chest pocket.
Using  his mouth, he bit the cap of, exposing the pointy needle with clear liquid dripping down its body.
He rolled up Jimins sleeves and before the younger one would protest the needle was already inside...

He howled in pain, tears streaming down his flawless face. He kicked about for a while but...

Finally it stopped...

Jin signed in relief as he let go of the now sleeping boys hand.
He inhaled in deep breathe.
I sat there on the floor, shocked almost horrified even.
Never have I seen anyone act like that...what had happened while I was outside...did he have a melt down? 
There was just so many questions that I knew couldn't be answered as the case was private...but...what exactly happened?

"This isn't the first time..." Jin mumbled.
"excuse me? " I whispered out.
"Jimin...." he began as he stroked the youngest hair "he's been through a lot..."
There was a long pause of silence.
I looked down at the sleeping boys face, and that when I noticed the heavy bags under his eyes...and he had several scratch marks going down his neck...
"what happened " I managed to speak out.
"he...he..." but no matter how hard the older male tried, he couldn't finished he words...instead tears began to roll down his face.

"Jin? " I whispered.
The male buried his face in his hands before running them up his face.
"Namoon...can you do me a favour..." I nodded my head "yes"
He paused for a minute "do you know a girl named (y/n)? "
I once again nodded my head.

"can you please find her and bring her here tomorrow? "

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