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J is for Jimin who's in deep slumber

Jin pov

The clock was ticking.
The wind was cooing.
The flowers were dying
My body was tired
But my thoughts were wide awake


Wake up soon

It might not seem like it but...there are people out here
Who love you
Who are waiting for you to open your eyes
They're waiting for you to forgive them
They're waiting for you to call them family again
They're waiting for you to call them friends

And I'm also waiting for you
to call me hyung again

Jimin please wake up
I don't care how long you take
I don't care of it a week a month a year
2 years
3 years
4 years
20 years
Just please wake up

Wake up and start a fresh life again
Wake up and be happy
Wake up

Just wake up

One of the most important person wants to see you Jimin
Your mother
She's sitting right next to you

She's crying

She's begging for you to forgive her
She's saying sorry
She's holding your hand
Can you feel her warmth?
Do you recognise her voice that you haven't heard for 7 years?
Or perhaps you've forgotten her?

Your younger brother hasn't slept for days
And the girl you loved has come her everyday stright
She always brings flowers and food
She sits next to you and talks to you
Shares her day
Until it's late during the afternoon

Your friend
He's so confused Jimin
He's trapped in the same world you were once trapped in
Maybe you could help him get over it

They're all waiting for you Jimin

We're all waiting for you
They don't expect everything to be the same
But they expect for you to wake up
So please
Grant them their last wish
Even if it's selfish of them

Of me
Please great me my wish
Park Jimin
Please wake up

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