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'The beautiful sunflower wore a mask'

"(Y/N)" Namjoon looked at you...his expression absolutely shocked and somewhat hurt "please" he whispered
"Please tell me this is just I sick joke" he forced a crooked smile.
You gave him no answers.
You felt so ashamed of yourself.
You couldn't look at him in the eyes.
"Jungkook you're lying, right?" Namjoon patted the younger males back.
Jungkook only glared daggers at you, his fist clinched, he looked like he was ready to run up to you and beat the fuck out of you any minute.

Namjoon walked up to you and grabbed both your shoulders.
"This is a lie right" he chocked out.
Once again you could only look away, tears were now dripping down your face.
You wanted to push Namjoon away and run away, you wanted to dig a hole and Hide...but you couldn't.
No today
We were going to face something you've been hiding for so long, something you wished was forgotten.

You were going to face the consequences of your actions

And the truth.

You pulled away from Namjoon and looked at him in the eyes.
"'s true" you managed to choke out.
Namjoon slowly moved away from you, his face in pure shock, his brain wasn't working at all.
He felt...he didn't know what he felt.
But he knew that he didn't feel the same way he once felt about you.
"Why?" He spoke out "why would you do that to the poor boy?"
He scremed at you face.
"Just why!"

You to began screming.
"I was lonely ok, and I was selfish and when  he refused me I just got so mad" you cried out "it wasn't all me fault you know-"
Before you could finish.

Namjoon slapped you across the face...


You left cheek was bright red and stung.

More tears started streaming down your face.

Cried left your mouth.

"Shut up!" Namjoon scremed "what gives you the right to cry!" He pushed you against the wall.
"Stop crying, stop acting like your victim here!" Jungkook tried to pull him away from you but it was no use, his strength was nothing compare to the older hyung.
"He's the one who suffred, not you" he yelled once more before letting you go.

You sat on the cold floor, crying.

"I'm guessing you were going to do the same thing to me hue?" Namjoon chuckled as he ran his fingers though his messed up hair.
You stood up and wrapped your arms around him.
"No I wou-"
Once again, you were pushed away.
"Don't fucking tough me"
Namjoon growled before walking away, leaving a crying you and a satisfied Jungkook behind.

"(Y/n)...Finally you have been punished"
He snarled
"Because of you, Jimin everyday,  took pills, cut himself, tried to commute suicide, everyone spoke so badly of him, his family turned on him, he lost his friends...because of you"
He pointed

And as much as you wanted to deny it.
He was right.
You used Jimin.
You were the one who destroyed his life.
He loved you so much.
But you used his love for attention only.
You felt so bad about yourself that you decided that your partner should also feel the same emotions.
And slowly but surely.
You began you chew away Jimins happy life and sanity.
Because of you...

All this because of you...

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