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Stop pretending like your the victim

Your pov

What the hell just happened!
Why does Jimin look like he got beat the fuck up by a gang?
Why is Jungkook crying?
Why the fuck is Jin acting that way?
What happened?

All these questions swam around in my brain.
Namjoon and I were just sitting down, waiting for Jin and Jungkook and perhaps Jimin would come, but after a good 30 minutes this shit happens.
My heart had almost stopped beating when I saw Jin carrying Jimin inside the room, blood everywhere, ripped shirt, red stained hair.
And before I could ask or check if he's alright, we got thrown out of the room...

What the fuck exactly mother fucking happened is what I wanna know!
I would ask Jungkook, but the poor boy was in no state to talk.
He sat down next to Namjoon, muttering under his breath, tears dripping down his cheeks, rocking himself back and forth.
He looked like he just saw hell during that 30 minute.

Namjoon himself looked horrified and confused.
He was trying his best to calm down the poor younger male next to him, but he to was in trauma.
His voice shook as he talked, his hands were trembling and his face had gone white, like low key white.

I walked towards the two male and sat down next to Jungkook.
I gently placed my hand on top of his cold ones and give it a tight squeez.
"You alright?" I whispered.
He looked at me as if I was some kind of fungus from another planet.
"What do you mean 'you alright'" he chuckled miserably
"(Y/N) I just saw my older brother who I haven't seen for the last 7 years at the point of dying and you're just going to come sit next to me and ask 'you alright'?" He snapped as he stood up.
"Shut the fuck up!" He scremed at my face.

After a few seconds of silence he pointed at my face and began.
"You" he snarled "he should've never met you"
I felt a heavy slap on my heart and feelings as he spoke.
I clinched my teeth and looked away from his gaze that was burning a hole in me.
"He's like this because of you" he scremed once more.
"After you did 'that' to him and left him...his condition got worse"

Namjoon got in between the two of us and tried to calm things down.
He sat Jungkook down and gave him some apple juice that he had purchased from the vending mechien.
I to say down, not knowing what to say or do.

So for 5 minute, the three of us sat in awkward silence.

"What happened?" Namjoon spoke up.
Jungkook turned to look at him "Jimins past or current accident"
Namjoon paused and looked at me and back at Jungkook "both" he said.
My heart sank...
Jimins past...
Namjoon can't know...
I gripped tightly onto my bag.

"When Jin and I went to see Jimin Hyung...the whole place was destroyed..." Jungkook began.
"We ended up finding him inside the bathroom in that condition, we're not sure what happened...but I'm sure Jin will figure it out"

A minute of silence

"And Jimin's past?" Namjoon asked.
Jungkook sat up stright and glared at me "so, you're OK with this?" He growled.
I only looked away.
I felt to guilty and embarrassed...
I wanted to cry and scream no.
But I couldn't...

Jungkook stood up and pointed at me once more.

"She forced Jimin to sexual activities and blamed him by saying he raped her"

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