Chapter 4 - Music to My Ears

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"A ball?"

You tried not to choke on your bacon.

Jin nodded. "It would be the best event to both welcome your father and to announce your position publicly. They're a lot of fun, too."

"Says you," Namjoon remarked.

Breakfast was an awkward affair. Jin kept trying to make small talk, Namjoon kept trying to kill the small talk, and you weren't sure what Jungkook was doing. He kept shooting long glances your way, but his face wasn't readable. You thought a prankster would be silly and outwardly teasing, but he was so quiet around you. What was his game?

"Sorry I'm late, everyone." Jimin said, making his entrance with Taehyung coming in behind him. "This face of mine takes a lot of work, you know."

He plopped down next to you and winked. You wrinkled your nose at him and looked away as if you were disgusted, but secretly your heart jumped a little. Taehyung sat beside Jungkook. He looked up at you and smiled.  

"What are we talking about?" Jimin asked, unfolding his napkin and putting it in his lap.

"Jin's hosting a ball." Jungkook said.

"Ah, fantastic! I have no doubts [Y/N] will be the belle of it."

"Glad you like the idea, Jimin." Jin said. "I was thinking you might want to invite Na --"

"Would you mind tossing me a biscuit, Jungkook?" Jimin interrupted.

A tense glance bounced between them. Jungkook reached into the basket in front of him and threw a biscuit at Jimin, more like a baseball than a piece of bread. Jimin caught it in his chest, ignoring the powerful throw and casually reaching for the butter.

What was their problem?

"Anyways," Jin continued, "The ball is a good place to show off the princess's new skills. Speaking of which, each of you have been assigned a task to tutor her in. Namjoon, you're in charge of international policy."

Namjoon poked at his eggs. "Should be entertaining."

"Jungkook, you're in charge of national policy."

He gave a quick nod.

"Jimin, you're in charge of - "

"Romance?" he asked, leaning towards you.

Jin blinked. "I was going to say entertainment and social customs. Don't make me regret it."

Jimin shrugged, smiling.

"Taehyung, you're in charge of etiquette and answering any basic questions [Y/N] has."

Taehyung bowed his head.

"And I'll take care of general responsibilities. How does this sound, [Y/N]?"

What were you going to say? No? It's not like you could go anywhere even if you wanted to. You nodded.

"Well, if we're going to have a ball," Jimin said, "we'll need to have some dancing lessons. Have you ever danced before, [Y/N]?"

You shook your head. "Just the normal school dances."

"A formal ball will require something more sophisticated than an awkward prom dance." Namjoon said.

"Yes, we do more traditional dancing." Jin said with a smile. "Waltz, tango, some Victorian styles. All that might be a little over Jimin's head."

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