Chapter 35 - Slow Dance

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When the moon had fully risen, Jimin escorted you back to the castle.

"Thank you for tonight." you said.

"I should be the one thanking you." he said. "After all, it was the best bachelor party gift I could have gotten."

"What did you get, exactly?" a voice said.

You both turned to see Namjoon in the hallway. He raised his eyebrow at both of you.

Jimin smiled at him. "You'll find out one day when you're older."

"I'm older than you."

Jimin shrugged. "It's not my fault you don't know all ready." He turned back to you. "Goodnight, my dear."

He bowed and left to his room. Namjoon approached you, scowling. "What did you give him?"

You threw your hands up. "Nothing. He's just being...himself."

Namjoon narrowed his eyes like he was trying to decide if he believed you. He shook his head. "You're always going to worry me, aren't you?"

"You don't have to worry about me, you know."

"I couldn't stop if I wanted to."

You smiled.

"How are you?" he asked. "With everything, that is?"

"I'm fine." you replied.

Then you remembered. Hoseok.

"But Hoseok's not. He's not acting like himself at all. He hasn't tried to boss me around all day."

"You're worried about him?"

You nodded. "Have you seen him?"

"Not since this morning."

You looked around like he would pop out any moment. He didn't.

"Would you help me look for him?" you asked.

Namjoon gave a warm smile and nodded. "If it makes you feel more at ease, of course."

You split up to look for him. Your footsteps dashed down the long halls, looking through the ballroom, the kitchen, the dining hall, his room, and the game room. You even knocked on his bedroom door. When there wasn't an answer, you tried to open it, but it was locked.

Eventually, you gave up. You went back to the ballroom one last time.

The ballroom lights were dimmed so that only shadows could be seen. Even though there wasn't a lot to see, you could hear footsteps and music. You walked inside to get a better look.

In the shadows you saw a figure – a man – dancing by himself, with his arms up like he was holding a woman. He was humming along with the song as if it were an old favorite, gliding gracefully across the floor.


The figure stopped and turned to you. He bowed and rose back upright with a smile on his face. You held your breath. That smile of his caught you off guard. It was so rare to see it. But it was the warmest smile you had ever seen in your life. You swore the room turned three shades lighter just with its presence.

"You came to see me, Your Majesty?" he asked, his words a little slurred.

As you stepped forward, you could see the bottle of wine on the piano.

"Are you all right?" you asked.

"No," he said. "But I will be. As long as you don't kick me again."

In a second he had swept you into his arms, into a ballroom stance. You were about to back out, but his hold was firm and warm. It wasn't at all like the cold stance when he taught his lessons.

"Dance with me," he whispered, putting his cheek against yours.

"Uh, Hoseok -"


At his silencing, you let him take the lead and spin you around the dance floor. You tried your best to keep up, getting a majority of the moves right, but messing up on some of them.

Hoseok gave a muffled laugh. "You know," he said, spinning you around and then pulling you back in so your faces were touching again. "You're not the best dancer. But... it feels good to hold you."

You blushed at his remark, speechless. How could this be the same Hoseok that barked orders at you on an almost daily basis?

"You're never this nice to me." you said.

"I can't allow myself to be nice to you."

"Why not?"

"You're a student."

"What's wrong with being nice to a student?"

His cheek left yours so he could look at you directly in the eyes. Even in the shadows, his eyes were captivating.

"Because once you're nice to your students, they start being nice back. And that turns into something... more. Then, after they have learned everything they need to know, and don't need you anymore..." He gave you a sad smile. "...she leaves."

You squeezed his hand. "Hoseok --"

"I guess I just don't pick the right people to spend time with. It's my own fault."

"It's not your fault." you said. "You know that... don't you?"

"Never mind it, princess." he said, pulling you back in. "Just dance this once with me. I promise not to forget your generosity."

You wrapped your hand around his shoulder and held onto him as the bittersweet notes played in the background.


A/N: I'm crushing super hard on Hoseok right now. 

Shhh... Don't tell Namjoon...


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