Deleted Scene #1 - Midnight Snack

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It was hard to sleep. Thoughts raced around in your head until it made you dizzy, keeping you from falling asleep. Defeated, you sighed and got out of bed, making your way down to the kitchen to rummage for something sweet to take your mind off things.

As you tiptoed against the cool tile floors, you saw that the light in the kitchen was all ready on. There were a few clinking noises.

Who was up this late at night?

You stretched your neck around the side of the door frame to look in. In the center of the kitchen was Jin, wearing a white cotton shirt and purple silk robe, stuffing his face with what looked like hot wings. Sauce covered his fingers and lips. With small gerbil-like noises, he nibbled around the hot wing, humming in satisfaction. You smirked, stepping into the doorway to watch him.

It took him a second to realize you were there. He stopped mid-bite.

"Am I interrupting?" you asked.

He lowered the wing and reached for a paper towel to wipe his hands and face. "I didn't realize I was being watched. That's so embarrassing."

You chucked, glancing at his adorable bed hair and blushing cheeks. "Don't be. Your secret is safe with me... But only if you share."

He smirked. "It's pretty spicy."

"I can handle a little spice."

"I don't know..." he teased. "You might regret it."

"Hand it over."

Your dad loved to make spicy food. You were more than confident you could handle whatever Jin was eating.

Jin handed you a wing. You bit in, letting the sauce play on your tongue, the flavor bursting with a good amount of kick and spices. It wasn't that spicy. You gave him a smug grin of triumph.

"Wait for it." he said.

You swallowed it. It still wasn't that bad. What was he –

Oh good God.

Everything burned. From your chest, to your throat, to your tongue, and up into your eyes. Every second that passed only brought on more agonizing pain. With tears in your eyes, you started to jump around.

"Oh my god, what is this!?"

You reached up to wipe the tears out of your eyes.

"No, don't touch your face!" he said, grabbing your wrists before you could make contact.

"It hurts!" you whined.

"Hold on."

It hurt too much to open your eyes and do anything, so you just bounced up and down. After a few moments, you felt Jin's hand around your cheek.

"Sip this," he said.

He brought a glass to your lips. Realizing it was milk, you swished it around in your mouth until the burning turned into a dull ache. You slowly opened your eyes.

"Better?" he asked.

You blinked some of the tears out of your eyes. He  gave a squeaky laugh, catching them in his fingers.

"It's not funny," you muttered.

"Oh, but it is."

You shifted, half embarrassed about the hot wings, half shy about the way Jin had your face cupped in his hands. He looked down into your eyes with a glowing smile.

"I thought the spicy wings would clear my head and help me fall asleep." he said. "But I think you've done that for me instead."

You cocked your head to the side, wondering what he meant by that.

He dropped his hands from your face. "I'll go ahead and clean up here. That is, unless, you want another one."

You held up your saucy hands in protest. "I'm good."

His eyes glittered as he looked at you.

"Me too," he said.


A/N: Who do you want a deleted scene with next? Let me know!


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