Rap Line FF, Updates, and More Q&A

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I'd like to mention that the Hoseok His POV series is finished! The next His POV series I will be doing is... Jungkook!

I hope you're enjoying the His POV series. We only have Jungkook and Jimin left! Then, it's onto the Rap Line FF!

In my last post, I asked you to guess who these lines belonged to:

"If you want my help that badly, you need to give me something in return..."

"That's why they call me Master, sweetheart. Now it's your turn. Say it."

"If they want to take you back, they have to get through me first. And trust me... I won't let anyone take you from me that easily."

Let me reveal the answers... 

Yoongi: "If you want my help that badly, you need to give me something in return

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Yoongi: "If you want my help that badly, you need to give me something in return..."

Hoseok: "That's why they call me Master, sweetheart

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Hoseok: "That's why they call me Master, sweetheart. Now it's your turn. Say it."

Namjoon: "If they want to take you back, they have to get through me first

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Namjoon: "If they want to take you back, they have to get through me first.

And trust me... I won't let anyone take you from me that easily."  

More information coming soon!

Also, quick update: I've finished the rough draft of The Five Princes for publication. It should be going to an editor soon for professional feedback.

Lastly, I had some new questions, so I'm going to answer them now. 

How did you get so good at writing and what gave you ideas for each chapter? ( yoonyogurt )

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How did you get so good at writing and what gave you ideas for each chapter? yoonyogurt )

I've been reading books on how to write since I was in middle school. I even took some college classes on writing. My writing still has a long ways to go, but it's my biggest passion. Always has been, always will be. 

If you want to get better at writing, I recommend the Elements of Fiction Writing series, Write Naked by Jennifer Probst, anything written by Chris Fox, and the Writer's Digest magazine/website.

For each chapter of my books, I always think, "If this was a Korean drama, what would happen next?" Korean dramas are really good at making relationships and situations really complicated. Really, it comes down to, "How can I make things harder for my characters? What obstacles can I put in?" Sometimes it's easy enough. Sometimes I stare at my computer screen for 6 hours. 

Who is your favorite suitor? And why? ( stardom1010 )

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Who is your favorite suitor? And why? stardom1010 )

Great question! My bias in BTS is Namjoon, but my favorite character in T7P is Yoongi. Yoongi is caught between his past, present, and future; his old self and his new beginnings. He makes the most mistakes, but he holds himself responsible for them. He's protective and witty. Greedy, but empathetic. He's probably the most complicated out of the characters, which is why he's my favorite. 

When you were writing did you have a set person you were going to make the reader end up with? Or did you just go with the flow?? ( Just_Stanning_Talent )

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When you were writing did you have a set person you were going to make the reader end up with? Or did you just go with the flow?? Just_Stanning_Talent )

I knew in the beginning that I wanted to make it a 7-person ending. The story of T7P was inspired by a video game where you could choose your suitor at the end, and so I mimicked that. It wasn't the easiest thing, but it was a fun challenge and I really enjoyed doing it!

If you have any more questions, drop them below! :D 

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